Hope you get this on time.I'm Sorry I did not inform you about my trip to Spain for a program,I'm presently in Spain and something extremely Awful happened to me, I was robbed in a hotel where I lodged and they made away with my money,phone,Bag and other valuables. Presently my things are been held down by the hotel management due to my inability to pay the hotel bills which I currently owe,they even had to restrict my access to the hotel facilitates until outstanding bills are cleared and i don't have any money on me again,I spoke to the hotel management to know if they can allow me go out and make calls but they refused due to the fact that I have not paid my bills but they only gave me internet access so that I could contact whom ever that can help me.I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding effectively to the matter. I feel so devastated,now my passport and other belongings are been retained by the hotel management pending the time I pay my hotel bills.This is shameful,I need you to help me with a loan of $800 usd to pay my hotel bills and proceed with what brought me here. Actually, i will pay back the money to you soon as I get back Home.I will appreciate whatever you can immediately assist me with.Kindly send the money through western union to my details below and please make sure you forward the western union transfer details as soon as you send the money.
Name:Herment A. Mrema
Address: Góngora, 7. Valencia–North, Valencia, Spain
Waiting to receive the money.
Kind regards,
Herment A. Mrema