[wanabidii] New content updates

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:


30/03/2017 - Recent workshops in Ethiopia and Ghana took forward opportunities to develop projects to improve urban transport and mobility in the two cities.

Co-organised by the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) and country offices of the African Development Bank, the workshops took place in Addis Ababa and Accra on March 14 and 22, 2017, respectively.

Categories: Ghana, Ethiopia, Transport, Partnerships

30/03/2017 - The President of the Republic of Guinea and Chairperson of the African Union, Alpha Condé, paid a courtesy call on African Development Bank Group President Akinwumi Adesina on Tuesday, March 28, in the Bank headquarters in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Condé was in the Ivorian capital for the opening ceremony of the 2nd International Conference on the Emergence of Africa.

Categories: Guinea, Partnerships, Human Capital Development, The President

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