[wanabidii] Tel Aviv terrorist Eliminated, Exclusive interview with MK Avigdor Liberman, US condemns Jewish property in Gush Etzion - Jan. 9, 2015

Sunday, January 10, 2016

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January 9, 2016 / 28 Tevet 5776
Shavua Tov!

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MK Avigdor Liberman: 'It's Israel's Turn to Help Support Diaspora Jewry'
Liberman has a plan to fight assimilation which will strengthen the Diaspora and increase Aliyah
MK Avigdor Liberman

Tel Aviv Terrorist Found and Eliminated One Week After Attack
Melhem opened fire on our forces with the Falcon sub-machine gun that was in his possession—and with which he carried out the murders on Dizengoff Street.
Israeli security forces patrolling the streets of the Israeli Arab village of Arara, searching for gunman Nashat Milhem.

3 Suspects Remanded in Dizengoff Shooter's Investigation [video]
On the morning after Melhem's elimination, his family set up a small mourning tent in Ara village, where Melhem grew up. Few visitors came by.
Israeli security forces look during a hunt for Nashat Milhem.

US Condemns Adding Legally Purchased 10 Acre Compound to Gush Etzion
"We view it as illegitimate and counterproductive to the cause of peace."
The Beit al Baraka compound

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