[wanabidii] Ted Cruz vs. "NY Values", France "Wear a Kipa Friday", J-Street U's Muslim Pres vs. Israel - Jan. 15, 2106

Friday, January 15, 2016

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January 15, 2016 / 5 Shevat 5776
Shabbat Shalom!


Headlines & Recommended

Ted Cruz's 'New York Values' Moment Could Cost Him [video]
"...everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro- gay-marriage, focus around money and the media."

Sounds just like a West Wing episode.
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.

Friday is French 'Everyone With a Kippa' Day in Solidarity With Embattled Jews
It's time in France for non-Jews to stand in solidarity with Jews, after brutal anti-Semitic attacks.
Photoshopped French President François Hollande, for #TousAvecUneKippa campaign

J Street U Muslim Pres Urges Jews to Fight the 'Occupation' via Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Muslim head of J Street U unabashedly urges pro-Israel organizations to fight Israel's "Occupation" in order to gain allies.
Amna Farooqi (R), board president of J Street U

Former Foreign Office Chief Calling on Europe to Boost Anti-Israel Steps
"Those Israeli signatures on the letter to the European Union, supporting product labeling, reflect a terrible danger to Israel."
Alon Liel

European Parliament President Schulz: Labeling Israeli Products Hurts Palestinians
So, basically, all's well that ends well, apology accepted…
Martin Schulz speaking to the Knesset

The PA's Dirty Little Secret
US State Dept has became expert in excusing PA's non-compliance on extraditing criminals to Israel
Stephen M. Flatow

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