[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Friday, October 02, 2015
Commons Briefing Papers: latest update

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015
This briefing provides background information on the introduction of a new contract for doctors in training (junior doctors) in England, including a summary of the proposed changes, and an update on the current state of negotiations between NHS Employers and the BMA. The briefing also provides some brief information on the delivery of seven day services and proposed changes to the consultant contract.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Around 13,850 households were accepted as homeless and in priority need in England, in Q2 2015, an increase of approximately 5% on the figure for Q2 2014.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
The average UK property price increased from £186,544 to £194,258 in the year to Q2 2015, a 4.1% increase.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
The Workplace pension reforms started to be introduced from 2012. Under the reforms, employers are required to automatically enrol workers into a qualifying pension scheme and, unless the worker opts out, make minimum contributions.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
This note discusses the conventions that have developed as a result of the relationship between individual Members and their constituencies. It covers the issues of constituency casework, raising matters relating to another Member's constituency in the House, and visits and speaking engagements in other constituencies. The Note deals also with the related matter of local precedence.

United Kingdom Parliament POSTnotes Update

You are subscribed to the POST Note Update for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been added.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
This note examines forensic language analysis, the scientific validity of procedures and their applications, and explores the issues surrounding their use.

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

Parliament on Twitter

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United Kingdom Parliament Transport Committee Homepage Update

You are subscribed to the Transport Committee Homepage email alerts for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

30-09-2015 03:48 PM BST

Louise Ellman MP, Transport Committee Chair, responds to announcement on electrification of TransPennine Express route and Midland mainline

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

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