[wanabidii] No whey! From some unlikely origins, African cheese - and other milky things- making a splash on the international stage (M&G Africa)

Friday, September 04, 2015
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Mail & Guardian Africa
African Truth
04 Sep 2015
No whey! From some unlikely origins, African cheese - and other milky things- making a splash on the international stage
No whey! From some unlikely origins, African cheese - and other milky things- making a splash on the international stage
First documented on the continent in 2,000BC, now Africa's cheese makers are off to new markets.
Bashir's star rises higher as shakes hands on stronger ties with S. Africa's Zuma in China; plans US visit
Bashir's star rises higher as shakes hands on stronger ties with S. Africa's Zuma in China; plans US visit
It's proving a bumper year for the formerly ostracised leader—reelection, friends in high places, lots of travel…will it end with a seat at the UN?
It's a tough time to be a Zambian, as officials concede battered economy at mercy of global markets
It's a tough time to be a Zambian, as officials concede battered economy at mercy of global markets
Country rules out foreign controls as intervention to pull back currency's free-fall becomes hard, the money-men say.
Somalia appoints Moscow and US-trained soldier as army chief in fallout over deadly AU base assault
Somalia appoints Moscow and US-trained soldier as army chief in fallout over deadly AU base assault
Cabinet picks Mohamed Aden Ahmed as chief of army in week that scores of African Union soldiers were killed in deadly Shabaab attack.
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Somalia appoints Moscow and US-trained soldier as army chief in fallout over deadly AU base assault
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Impala Platinum blames slowing Chinese GDP growth and economic uncertainty in the 2014 calendar year.
Somalia appoints Moscow and US-trained soldier as army chief in fallout over deadly AU base assault
Creativity is the new gold: Africa needs to do a few smart things to unlock the jackpot
Nigeria's recent national accounts rebasing show that motion pictures, sound recording and music production alone, account for 1.42% of its GDP
Somalia appoints Moscow and US-trained soldier as army chief in fallout over deadly AU base assault
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What's in the deal? Rebel leader Machar reinstated as first vice president. The government will get 53% of power, the opposition will share the rest.
Somalia appoints Moscow and US-trained soldier as army chief in fallout over deadly AU base assault
More poachers arrested in South Africa, but even more rhinos have been killed this year
The horn is worth as much as gold in Asian markets because of perceived medicinal properties, even if it is mainly keratin, found in human nails.
Somalia appoints Moscow and US-trained soldier as army chief in fallout over deadly AU base assault
Israel looks to use clever crop, water technology to win friends in Africa
Says its pioneering role in drip-irrigation, water recycling and desalination made it perfectly equipped to help bolster food security in Africa.
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