[wanabidii] Large Forest Fire in Gush Etzion, PA claims Jews in Priestly Garments on Temple Mount, Mossad's 65th Anniversary - Sept. 25, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

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September 25, 2015 / 12 Tishri 5776
Shabbat Shalom!


Headlines & Recommended

6 Firefighter Planes Battling Blaze in Gush Etzion
Residents in the area were evacuated, but have now been allowed to return to their homes.
Gush Etzion - Kfar Etzion Map

PA Charges Jews with Wearing 'Priestly Garments' on Temple Mount [video]
The Palestinian Authority thinks, or makes believe, that the white "kittel" worn on Yom Kippur is a "priestly garment."
The Jew on the right who is wearing a kittel on the Temple Mount is considered by the PA as dressed in

Abbas Calls for Returning Temple Mount to Pre-1967 Status Quo, with Jews Barred from Entry
Abbas is terrified Israel may set aside times on the Temple Mount when Jews will be allowed to pray unhindered by Arab harassment.
Demonstrator holds ISIS flag on the ancient plaza of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City.

Israel and Russia Create Joint Military Working Group on Syria
Russia and Israel create coordinating group to avoid mishaps in the region.
IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot (left) with Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Army General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov, September 21, 2015.

Mossad: 65 Yrs Old, Adapting to New Global Threats
The Mossad has been protecting Israel for 65 years.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mossad Ceremony.

Hezbollah Were Surprised by How Easily their Spy Entered Israel
Hassan Hizran, a Swede of Lebanese origin, was arrested in Israel during the summer on suspicion of spying for Hezbollah. Here's the story...
Hassan Hizran

Israel Railways Claims 150 Shabbatot Equals 2 Years
Shas Minister Aryeh Deri ordered a halt to working on Shabbat on the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem train line and Israel Railways claims it will delay it for 2 years.
Prime minister Netanyahu (2R) and Minister of Transportation Israel Katz seen inside a tunnel along the route of the express train between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv,.

Security Cabinet Unanimously Approves New Measures Against Stone-Throwers
The Security Cabinet has unanimously approved new stiffer measures against terrorists who throw stones and firebombs at Israelis.
On the Temple Mount, the Al-Aqsa mosque from inside: Palestinian rioters broke down walls to prepare stones for ammunition and furniture to make barricades.

Putin, Obama to Meet Sept. 28 at UN General Assembly
Russia's Pres. Putin and US Pres. Obama are set to meet at the UN General Assembly but their agendas appear to be quite different.
UN General Assembly Hall.

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