[wanabidii] Obama: Israel will pay if Iran deal thwarted, Ancient Mikvah found with..., More Democrats defecting from bad deal - August 5, 2015

Thursday, August 06, 2015

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August 5, 2015 / 20 Av 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Obama Warns US Jews 'Israel Will Bear the Brunt' If Nuke Deal Nixed
US President Barack Obama warns Jewish leaders Israel "will bear the brunt" if Congress rejects nuclear deal with Iran.
US Vice President Joseph Biden, President Barack Obama.

Bibi: 'Keep or Cheat,' This Deal Will Give Iran the Bomb
"Keep or Cheat," under this deal Iran will attain nuclear weapons, Bibi warned.
Bibi conf call

Banners in Brooklyn: 'Death to Israel, Death to the USA'
Social activists in Crown Heights, Brooklyn pressure US Rep. Yvette Clarke (D) to vote against IranDeal.
Anti-IranDeal banner in Crown Heights, Brooklyn reads 'Death to Israel, Death to the USA.'

Nearing Double Digits in the Democrat Defection from Bad Iran Deal
Yesterday's count had four Congressional Democrats coming out against the Iran Nuclear Deal. But since yesterday, that number has nearly doubled. And, amazingly, the latest three are all Jewish members of Congress. That's a surprise because in their effort to appear impartial, many Jews in public office bend over backwards to avoid the appearance that they are […]
Iran's Bushehr nuclear facility.

Israel Law Center Files Motion to Block IranDeal in NY Federal Court
The Israel Law Center has filed a motion in US court to block Washington from implementing Irandeal.
US Secy of State John Kerry announcing nuclear agreement with Iran from Vienna.

Treasury Official Explains How US Will Stop Iranian Terror Financing
Treasury official Adam Szubin told the Senate Banking Committee Wednesday how the US would target Iran's terror financing under the nuclear deal.

Delegation of House Democrats Meets With Pres. Reuven Rivlin
A delegation of House Democrats met Wednesday with President Reuven Rivlin in Jerusalem.
President Reuven Rivlin, House Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer and Democratic Congressional delegation to Israel met in Jerusalem to discuss the IranDeal and other regional matters.

Royce Submits Congressional Bill to 'Disapprove' IranDeal
US Rep. Ed Royce introduces HJ Res. 64, a resolution of 'disapproval' to block implementation of IranDeal.
U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R-CA).

Israel's Next Political Storm: Minister Shaked Wants to Split AG Role
Shaked is trying to fix the problem, but the Left see it as an attack on their power base.
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Attorney General of Israel, Yehuda Weinstein.

Netanyahu: New Budget Puts More Money in Israeli Pockets
PM Netanyahu and FM Kahlon presented their "Cornflakes Reform" budget to the full cabinet for approval Wednesday.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (R) and Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon attend the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

Old Meets New
While building in Arnona, a 2000-year-old Mikvah was found, but what was found in the Mikvah was even more interesting...  (Not a shark). 
A cave was discovered with a 2000-year-old Mikvah (Jewish ritual bath) inside, in Jerusalem.

Gimme that Old-Time Religion
Judaism & Islam had amazing historical finds in July; NY Times thought only 1 important-Guess which?
Charred scroll from synagogue in Ein Gedi

Dawa* at Chautauqua
Islamists spoke of "Love and Justice in a World of Suffering," skipping the horrors caused by Islam
The Quran

6 Months' Jail Without Trial for Jewish Teen Linked to Church Arson
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon jails a Jewish teen under administrative detention in connection with a church arson in June.
Grafitti on the walls of the Church of the Multiplication at Tabgha, on the Sea of Galilee, in northern Israel, which was set on fire in June 2015.

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