[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Tuesday, July 07, 2015
Summary Agendas and Orders of Business Update (UK Parliament)

Summary Agenda and Order of Business


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Read yesterday's House of Commons debates


House of Commons debates by date


Written questions and answers and Written statements are available to view on the Written questions and answers and Written statements pages.


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Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.


Questions for Oral or Written Answer - House of Commons

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06-07-2015 01:00 AM BST

Browse part 1 of the Question Book for details of written questions

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Equality Act 2010 and Disability Committee: latest update

You are subscribed to Equality Act 2010 and Disability Committee for the United Kingdom Parliament

03-07-2015 04:45 PM BST

Government Equalities Office publishes Memorandum on the Post-Legislative Assessment of the Equality Act 2010

Communications Committee: latest update

You are subscribed to the Select Committee for Communications for The United Kingdom Parliament.

06-07-2015 11:08 AM BST

Communications Committee meeting on Tuesday 7 July 2015

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EU Home Affairs, Health and Education (Sub-Committee F) Homepage Update (UK Parliament)

You are subscribed to EU Home Affairs, Health and Education (Sub-Committee F) Homepage (House of Lords) for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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02-07-2015 12:04 PM BST

On Wednesday 8 July the Homes Affairs Sub-Committee will take evidence from James Brokenshire MP

Administration and Works Committee (Lords): latest update

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Latest news from Parliament

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01-07-2015 04:00 PM BST

Artwork of the Month: The 18 June 2015 marked the 200 anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo
01-07-2015 12:00 PM BST

Watch an Illustrated talk by historian Helen Langley, with an introduction by Eleanor Laing, about Irene Ward MP

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

You are subscribed to High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons) for the United Kingdom Parliament

Recent Parliamentary Reports Update (UK Parliament)

You are subscribed to Recent Parliamentary Reports for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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06-07-2015 01:00 AM BST

House of Lords. Information Committee (Lords). HL Paper 18
Commons Briefing Papers: latest update

You are subscribed to Commons Briefing Papers for the United Kingdom Parliament

06 July 2015
Information on the Pupil Premium, Free School Meals, and other initiatives to raise educational attainment for disadvantaged children.

06 July 2015
Since 2008, Governments and the energy regulator – Ofgem – have sought to reduce the barriers to effective competitiveness in the gas and electricity markets, particularly for supplies to domestic consumers. The various interventions have culminated in the reference by Ofgem to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to conduct an Energy Market Investigation in June 2014.

06 July 2015
This briefing provides an overview of changes to the health and care professional regulator fees.

06 July 2015
This note gives an introduction to National Insurance system: the base and rate structure of National Insurance contributions (NICs), the operation of the National Insurance Fund, and the connection between a person's contributions into the Fund with their entitlement to receive benefits paid out of the Fund – the 'contributory principle'. It goes on to look at the debate there has been about integrating NICs with income tax.

03 July 2015
One third of public sector spending is on procurement of goods and services. This briefing looks at the rules for public procurement, at government priorities and at how well public contracts are being managed and delivered.

03 July 2015
This briefing paper provides an overview of a range of statutory employment rights.

03 July 2015
NHS staff: Social Indicators page. By Rachael Harker. SN/SG/2642.

03 July 2015
This note sets out the background to the July 2015 Budget, the first Budget of the current Parliament.

Read the latest Library notes from the House of Lords Library

Read the latest Library notes from the House of Lords Library

06 July 2015
This Library Note has been written to support the House of Lords debate on the sustainability of the National Health Service as a public service free at the point of need.

03 July 2015
This Note provides a summary of the recommendations of recent reports, including the report of David Anderson QC, and supporting material on the use of investigatory powers.


Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.


Commons Debate packs: latest update

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03 July 2015
This debate pack has been compiled ahead of the debate on Coastal flood risk to be held on Tuesday 7 July 2015 at 9.30am in Westminster Hall. The Member in charge of the debate is Melanie Onn. Debate packs are produced quickly after the announcement of Parliamentary business. They are intended to provide a summary or overview of the issue being debated and identify relevant briefings and useful documents, including press and parliamentary material. More detailed briefing can be prepared for MPs on request to the Library.

Latest news from the House of Commons

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06-07-2015 01:55 PM BST

Statement in the Commons expected at 4.15pm
06-07-2015 01:45 PM BST

Question expected at 3.30pm in the House of Commons

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Parliament on Twitter

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United Kingdom Parliament House of Lords on Twitter Update

You are subscribed to the email alert for the House of Lords on Twitter for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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Social Mobility Committee: latest update

You are subscribed to Social Mobility Committee for the United Kingdom Parliament

03-07-2015 04:59 PM BST

Committee on Social Mobility takes evidence at 11.05am on Wednesday 8 July

Administration and Works Committee (Lords): latest update

You are subscribed to Administration and Works Committee (Lords) for The United Kingdom Parliament. 



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Latest news from Parliament

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06-07-2015 01:55 PM BST

Statement in the Commons expected at 4.15pm
06-07-2015 01:45 PM BST

Question expected at 3.30pm in the House of Commons

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Message from UK Parliament Email Alerting Service

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  • ICT Training & Support Specialist (PDF 297 KB)                  £28,718 - £35,723                                                                               Closing Date : 08 July 2015



  • Developing Project Manager ( PDF 221 KB)                          £28,718 - £35,723                                                                                Closing Date : 31 July 2015
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Scotland Act 2012 2010-12: latest update

You are subscribed to Scotland Act 2012 2010-12 for the United Kingdom Parliament

07-07-2015 05:36 AM BST

Scotland Bill: Committee of the whole House Proceedings as at 6 July 2015
07-07-2015 05:03 AM BST

Scotland Bill: Notices of Amendments as at 6 July 2015

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