[wanabidii] Iran celebrates ObamaDeal, Hareidi soldiers soaring , Catch the Jew - July 18, 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

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July 18, 2015 / 2 Av 5775
Shavua Tov


Headlines & Recommended

Iran Celebrates ObamaDeal with Chants of 'Death to America
Obama will explain that all of the anti-Israel and anti-American hate are only a quaint Iranian tradition.
Iranians follow Khameni's lead: Death to America, Death to Israel.

IDF's New Weapon: Soaring Number of Hareidi Combat Soldiers
Hareidi soldiers will form a new combat unit, and Hareidim are being integrated into combat support positions.
Hareidi soldiers at rifle practice.

Insider's Guide to the Middle East: 'Catch the Jew'
Read "Catch the Jew" to learn the truth about Israel, Israelis, Arab Palestinians and the havoc-wreaking NGOs in the region.
Shimon Peres (L) and Tuvia Tenenbom (R), author of

Israelis in Dubai: Sharing Expertise in Medical Emergency First Response
It's not every day that an Israeli enters Dubai.
United Hatzalah's LifeCompass dispatchers monitoring events in the field.

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