"She was a beautiful country from sea to shining sea…America THE GREAT…America THE BRAVE. He soldiers were faithful, her clergy served with honor. Her government was one of the BEST in the world with freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and more.
She was a great Democratic Republic, who opened her arms to the weak, the persecuted, the downtrodden. Her morals were of sterling quality. She did house evil-doers, traitors and madmen within her borders; still the world looked upon her as a predominantly Christian nation, a nation that sent out thousands of missionaries, helped the poor, and guided the misguided.
Moral sickness and SIN did infiltrate her at the beginning, though overall she held strongly to truth. Much was to her favor…until she turned from Jesus to worship the gods of humanism and materialism. Alas, the Eagle has fallen, the Eagle has fallen.
Liberty and justice for all' allowed her sickness to spread, even to her head and heart. She had 'liberty and justice,' tolerance and compassion toward what the Lord calls ABOMINATION'
America the GREAT----now America the fallen. Weep for her. Weep for her children who will be without a mother. America the great, America the beautiful, she locked God out of the Family, Church and State. America, she has gone to the grave"