Three things God has pointed out that make Him MAD:
1. –On going MURDER of PRE-BORN;
2. –Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, QUEER PERVERSIONS; and
3. –On going UNJUST WARS being executed by the U.S. MILITARY
2. –Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, QUEER PERVERSIONS; and
3. –On going UNJUST WARS being executed by the U.S. MILITARY
Make no mistake; all these sexual perversions and murder will bring more and more judgments upon THIS PROUD and REBELLIOUS NATION. GOD'S MERCY HAS LIFTED, YET NOT ALTOGETHER, FOR HE WILL GO TO EXTREME MEASURES TO SEE SOULS REDEEMED. For this cause we labor.
Unless America deeply repents, God's judgments will only increase to the "FURRY" level.
God is (and a few sane Americans are!) sick of all the vileness, pride, and rebellion that flaunts itself 24/7/365!!
It is time, Christians, to make a stand AGAINST AMERICA. God no longer favors this backslidden, apostate nation.-REPENT and be spared. Amen.
Unless America deeply repents, God's judgments will only increase to the "FURRY" level.
God is (and a few sane Americans are!) sick of all the vileness, pride, and rebellion that flaunts itself 24/7/365!!
It is time, Christians, to make a stand AGAINST AMERICA. God no longer favors this backslidden, apostate nation.-REPENT and be spared. Amen.