[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Thursday, June 11, 2015
Votes and Proceedings

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09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

View the formal record of the proceedings of the House of Commons

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Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill [HL] 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill [HL] 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-06-2015 09:37 AM BST

Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill [HL]: HL Bill 34 2015-16 (as introduced)

Right to Die at Home Bill [HL] 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Right to Die at Home Bill [HL] 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-06-2015 09:47 AM BST

Right to Die at Home Bill [HL]: HL Bill 37 2015-16 (as introduced)

Summary Agendas and Orders of Business Update (UK Parliament)

Summary Agenda and Order of Business


You are subscribed to Summary Agendas and Orders of Business (House of Commons) for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.


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Read yesterday's House of Commons debates


House of Commons debates by date


Written questions and answers and Written statements are available to view on the Written questions and answers and Written statements pages.


The following link will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

House of Commons future business

Summary Agenda and Order of Business


Future Business


You are subscribed to House of Commons Future Business for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.


The following link will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

House of Lords Committees: latest updates


House of Lords Committee Bulletin


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Latest news from the House of Commons

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10-06-2015 09:00 AM BST

Watch today's PMQs live from the Commons from 12 midday

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Latest news from Parliament

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10-06-2015 09:00 AM BST

Watch today's PMQs live from the Commons from 12 midday
09-06-2015 12:02 PM BST

Peers consider draft law to amend 2011 Charities Act

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.


European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14: latest update

You are subscribed to European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: 2nd reading
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: House of Commons Programme motion
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Programme motion
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Money resolution
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: House of Commons Money resolution
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: House of Commons 2nd reading

European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: 2nd reading
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: House of Commons Programme motion
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Programme motion
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Money resolution
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: House of Commons Money resolution
10-06-2015 09:59 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: House of Commons 2nd reading

Questions for Oral or Written Answer - House of Commons

You are subscribed to Questions for Oral or Written Answer (The "Question Book" - House of Commons)

10-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

Browse part 1 of the Question Book for details of written questions

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Latest Early Day Motions

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09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 104
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 103
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 102
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 101
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 100
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 99
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 98
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 97
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 96
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 95
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 93
09-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 92

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill [HL] 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill [HL] 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-06-2015 10:43 AM BST

Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill [HL]: House of Lords 1st reading
10-06-2015 10:43 AM BST

Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill [HL]: 1st reading

Right to Die at Home Bill [HL] 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Right to Die at Home Bill [HL] 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-06-2015 10:53 AM BST

Right to Die at Home Bill [HL]: House of Lords 1st reading
10-06-2015 10:53 AM BST

Right to Die at Home Bill [HL]: 1st reading

The United Kingdom Parliament allowances and expenses claims update

You subscribed to receive alerts on when information on claims for financial support by members of the House of Lords is updated.

This is to notify you that information on members' claims for financial support for January 2015 is now available at www.parliament.uk/lords-expenses

High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

You are subscribed to High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons) for the United Kingdom Parliament

Latest news from Parliament

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10-06-2015 11:30 AM BST

Subjects for debate chosen by the Opposition
10-06-2015 11:10 AM BST

Prime Minister to make a statement at 12.30pm
10-06-2015 10:04 AM BST

Allowances and expenses for January 2015

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.

10-06-2015 02:30 PM BST


High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

You are subscribed to High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons) for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-06-2015 02:27 PM BST

High Speed Rail Bill Select Committee announces programme for June - July

Prime Minister's Questions

Watch the latest Prime Minister's Questions 

10-06-2015 09:00 AM BST

Watch today's PMQs live from the Commons from 12 midday

Read the latest Library notes from the House of Lords Library

Read the latest Library notes from the House of Lords Library

10 June 2015
This Library Note provides background reading in advance of the second reading in the House of Lords of the Childcare Bill on 16 June 2015.


Commons Briefing Papers: latest update

You are subscribed to Commons Briefing Papers for the United Kingdom Parliament

10 June 2015
The House of Commons Backbench Business Committee has responsibility for scheduling non-ministerial business in the new Parliament. This Paper sets out how the membership of the Committee is determined, it approach to date, and assessments of its impact.

09 June 2015
This note examines the current state of infrastructure in the UK, current levels of investment and recent Government policy.

09 June 2015
This briefing explains the Government's proposal to extend the Right to Buy to assured tenants of housing associations. The measure, which is proving to be controversial, requires primary legislation and will be included in a forthcoming Housing Bill.

Commons Debate packs: latest update

You are subscribed to Commons Debate packs for the United Kingdom Parliament

09 June 2015
This page provides links to Library briefing, Parliamentary debates and statements, and press coverage as background for the Westminster Hall debate, Effect of Gypsies and Travellers on local communities, on Wednesday 10 June.

Latest news from the House of Commons

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10-06-2015 11:30 AM BST

Subjects for debate chosen by the Opposition
10-06-2015 11:10 AM BST

Statement made by Prime Minister in the Commons

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Parliament on Twitter

You are subscribed to Parliament on Twitter for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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United Kingdom Parliament House of Lords on Twitter Update

You are subscribed to the email alert for the House of Lords on Twitter for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

The following links will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

Scotland Act 2012 2010-12: latest update

You are subscribed to Scotland Act 2012 2010-12 for the United Kingdom Parliament

11-06-2015 04:22 AM BST

Scotland Bill: Notices of Amendments given up to and including 10 June 2015

European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

11-06-2015 04:21 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Notices of Amendments given up to and including 10 June 2015

European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14: latest update

You are subscribed to European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14 for the United Kingdom Parliament

11-06-2015 04:21 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Notices of Amendments given up to and including 10 June 2015

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