[wanabidii] President Donald Trump, Obama troubled, Michael Douglas, Making fun of foreign journalists - June 17, 2015

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

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June 17, 2015 / 30 Sivan 5775
Chodesh Tov!



Headlines & Recommended

Obama Has Remorse for Morsi
The President is "troubled" over the death sentence to the Muslim Brotherhood leader whom he once congratulated.
Obama and Morsi.

Donald Trump Running to Be 'Greatest President God Ever Created' [video]
Trump loves Israel and Netanyahu and hates Obama. His candidacy for the GOP nomination is going to wake up people tired of political correctness.
Donald Trump announces he is running for the Republican party presidential nomination.

Abbas Rejects 'Two States' if One is 'Jewish'
He said he will not accept a French resolution in the UN that gives him everything he wants except wiping "Jewish" off the map of Israel.
Palestinian Arabs burn Israeli and flag.

Aliyah from France Soars 25 Percent
French Jews are running away from terror and running home at the same time.
Ilana Medar, 18, of Paris, made Aliyah last year.

Shomron Jews Warn 'West Bank Label' Could Cause Arab Unemployment
Businessmen in Judea and Samaria sent the letter to the chairwoman of the left-wing Meretz party.
Kosher Wine Review features a wine from Yatir, whose grapes are grown the Judean Hills south of Hebron.

Proposed Bill to Scrutinize Foreign-Funded NGOs
The purpose of the "NGO bill" is to clamp down on illicit foreign intervention into Israel's domestic policies under the guise of support for civilian organizations.
Breaking the Silence is funded by foreign governments and donors and it provides testimony against the IDF.

Iran 'Alarmed by Hatred' – Elsewhere
Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela told the U.N. Human Rights Council their countries are bastions of freedom.

Now I Know How I'd Answer The New York Times
I have been wondering, what is it about my music that can get some religious leaders so excited?
Lipa Schmeltzer

To The Victor Belong the Spoils: The Status of Jerusalem
Supreme Ct ruled on power of Executive vs Legislative branches NOT on Jerusalem as Israel's capital
The Flag of Israel flying in Jerusalem with the Temple Mount in the distance

Jewish/Israeli Pride–Michael Douglas & Orange
Being "nice" in order to placate bullies only increases the diplomatic offensive against Israel
Douglas Family Bar Mitzvah Photo

Foxman Slams Israel on His Way Out the Door
ADL's Foxman slams Israelis as ingrates and believes they don't understand their existential threat the way he does.
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League

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