[wanabidii] Orange Business Services and Gemalto join forces to provide customers with highly secure access to cloud-based applications

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

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Orange Business Services and Gemalto join forces to provide customers with highly secure access to cloud-based applications


Gemalto's multi-factor authentication solution available through Orange Business Services secured cloud hub


AMSTERDAM, Netherland, June 16, 2015/ -- Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO) (http://www.gemalto.com), the world leader in digital security and Orange Business Services (http://www.orange-business.com), a global communications solutions operator and integrator, today announced the integration of Gemalto's market-leading SafeNet Authentication Service with Business VPN Galerie, the Orange Business Services secured cloud hub. Orange Business Services customers benefit from Gemalto's solution through Flexible Identity, which uses the SafeNet Authentication Service.


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The integration with Business VPN Galerie means that enterprises can benefit from a unified solution that offers seamless multi-factor authentication capability for all of their corporate applications, infrastructure and cloud services, such as Office 365 and Salesforce.com, without having to traverse the Internet, thereby improving both performance and security.


"As the world's first hub between enterprise VPNs and cloud service providers, our Business VPN Galerie is the cloud-enabling foundation for more than 1,200 enterprise customers at over 33,000 sites around the world. By leveraging Gemalto's authentication solution, we are expanding the ecosystem of available applications though Business VPN Galerie and enhancing the security for applications accessed through our global cloud-enabled network," said Pierre-Louis Biaggi, Vice President, Networks, Orange Business Services.


"With more services being delivered and accessed from the cloud, security is now top of mind for network service providers and their enterprise customers. The combination of Gemalto's strong authentication service with the Business VPN Galerie network gives enterprises the assurance of more secure access to applications and data while providing a seamless experience for end users and simpler management for IT administrators," said Andrew Young, Senior Vice President of Product Management for Authentication and Identity Solutions at Gemalto.


The collaboration between Gemalto and Orange Business Services uniquely provides end-to-end access to Gemalto's multi-tier, multi-tenant cloud-based strong authentication service over the Orange IP VPN. Leading IT research firm Gartner positioned Gemalto in the Leaders Quadrant of the 2014 Magic Quadrant for User Authentication for the last four years.


Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Gemalto.



Media contacts:



Kristel Teyras

Middle East & Africa

+33 1 55 01 57 89



Orange Business Services

Elizabeth Mayeri


+1 212 251 2086


About Gemalto

Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO) (http://www.gemalto.com) is the world leader in digital security, with 2014 annual revenues of €2.5 billion and blue-chip customers in over 180 countries.


Gemalto helps people trust one another in an increasingly connected digital world. Billions of people want better lifestyles, smarter living environments, and the freedom to communicate, shop, travel, bank, entertain and work – anytime, everywhere – in ways that are enjoyable and safe. In this fast moving mobile and digital environment, we enable companies and administrations to offer a wide range of trusted and convenient services by securing financial transactions, mobile services, public and private clouds, eHealthcare systems, access to eGovernment services, the Internet and internet-of-things and transport ticketing systems.


Gemalto's unique technology portfolio - from advanced cryptographic software embedded in a variety of familiar objects, to highly robust and scalable back-office platforms for authentication, encryption and digital credential management - is delivered by our world-class service teams. Our 14,000 employees operate out of 99 offices, 34 personalization and data centers, and 24 research and software development centers located in 46 countries.


For more information visit www.gemalto.com, www.justaskgemalto.com, blog.gemalto.com, or follow @gemalto on Twitter.


Gemalto media contacts:


Kristel Teyras

Middle East & Africa

+33 1 55 01 57 89



Nicole Williams

North America

+1 512 758 8921



Ernesto Haikewitsch

Latin America

+55 11 5105 9220



Vanessa Viala

Europe & CIS

+49 89 210 299 129



Vivian Liang

大中华地区 (Greater China)

+86 1059373046



Pierre Lelievre

Asia Pacific

+65 6317 3802



About Orange Business Services


Orange Business Services (http://www.orange-business.com), the Orange branch dedicated to B2B services, is not only a telecom operator, but also an IT solutions integrator and applications developer in France and around the world. Its 20,000 employees support companies in all areas of their digital transformation: mobile and collaborative workspaces; IT/cloud infrastructure; fixed and mobile connectivity; private and hybrid networks; applications for Internet of Things, 360° customer experience and Big Data analytics; and cybersecurity thanks to dedicated experts and infrastructure to protect information systems. More than 3,000 multinational organizations and 2 million SOHOs, enterprises and local authorities in France rely on Orange Business Services as their trusted partner.


Learn more at www.orange-business.com or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and our blogs.

Orange is one of the world's leading telecommunications operators with annual sales of 39 billion euros in 2014 and has 155,000 employees worldwide at 31 March 2015. Orange is listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris (symbol ORA) and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol ORAN).


Orange and any other Orange product or service names included in this material are trademarks of Orange or Orange Brand Services Limited.





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