[wanabidii] ISIS threatens JM's Christians as Pope relies on PA for protection, Arabs attack ambulance, Iran-ISIS-Al Nusra - June 27, 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015

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June 27, 2015 / 10 Tammuz 5775
Shavuah Tov


Headlines & Recommended

ISIS in Jerusalem, Threatens Christians
ISIS has released a flyer in eastern Jerusalem threatening to kill all the Christian-Arabs living there.
ISIS letter on Jerusalem Christians

Vatican Signs Treaty with 'State of Palestine' Proving Pope to be Fallible
Many Christians have run away from the Palestinian Authority to pre-67 Israel, where they don't face Muslim and PA persecution.
Pope Francis touching the Suicide Bomb Prevention Wall on his way to celebrate a mass in the Manger Square, in Bethlehem on May 25, 2014.

Palestinian Authority Terrorist Fires on Jewish Ambulance in Samaria
No one was injured. The IDF is searching for the terrorist.
Bullet hole in ambulance after Arab terrorist shot at it Saturday night.

Israeli Navy Waiting to Intercept Flotilla on High Seas
Pro-Arab activists are warning that they will charge the IDF with a war crime if it stops the flotilla.
The Marianne boat, carrying humanitarian aid such, as a single and useless solar panel.

US Officials Warn of ISIS Attacks on July 4
Americans' fear of the ISIS is turning terror into the major election issue.
ISIS prepares for U.S. Independence Day.

Israeli Wins Gold Medal At European Judo Competition
Sagi Muki defeated his opponent from Georgia.
An Israeli has won gold at the European Games for judo.

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