[wanabidii] ISIS beheading in France, Fighter Pilot graduations, Hillary's emails - June 26, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015

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June 26, 2015 / 9 Tammuz 5775
Shabbat Shalom

(Check out the Gaza Flotilla update before Shabbat)


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Headlines & Recommended

ISIS-Linked Terrorist Decapitates Victim in Attack in France
An explosion reportedly was heard in the attack on the offices of a gas company southeast of Lyon.
ISIS terrorist carries the group's black flag.

Update: Armed Terrorist Shot by IDF at Jordan Valley Highway Checkpoint
The terrorist pulled out a handgun and shot at soldiers, who returned fire and critically wounded him.
Soldiers in Jordan Valley.

Five Former Advisers to Obama Publish Warning on Iran Deal
Obama seems to have fallen into the old trap of appointing people who tell him what he wants to hear.
General Petraeus

Hillary Failed to Turn Over Email Exchanges With Blumenthal About Benghazi
Hillary Clinton failed to turn over email exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal about Benghazi attacks.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in transit.

Clinton Losing Ground to Sanders in New Hampshire and Iowa
Hillary has become a magnet for bad news, but it will take a lot more to beat her.
Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Dutch Leftists Spare Tel Aviv from 'Twinning' with Amsterdam
Israel now is spared from Tel Aviv's image becoming even more liberal, or immoral, depending on your point of view.

Israel Follows US Lead on Hunting Citizens' Foreign Assets
Israel's Tax Authority, like the IRS, is hunting citizens' foreign assets.
U.S. dollars (illustration)

Eli Cohen, Israel's Secret Weapon In The Six-Day War
PM Netanyahu has pledged the nation won't rest until the hero Eli Cohen is returned home to Israel
Eli Cohen

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