[wanabidii] Press Releases: The United States and China Complete the 6th Annual Dialogue on Law of the Sea and Polar Issues

Friday, April 10, 2015

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04/10/2015 04:22 PM EDT

The United States and China Complete the 6th Annual Dialogue on Law of the Sea and Polar Issues

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 10, 2015

The United States hosted the 6th annual U.S.-China Dialogue on the Law of the Sea and Polar Issues at the U.S. Coast Guard 13th District Headquarters in Seattle, Washington April 8-9. Experts from U.S. and Chinese foreign affairs and maritime agencies exchanged views on a wide range of issues related to oceans, the law of the sea, and the polar regions. The delegations were led by Evan Bloom, Director for Ocean and Polar Affairs in the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, and Jia Guide, Deputy-Director General in the Department of Treaty and Law in China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The United States and China supported deepening U.S.-China dialogue on these issues in future meetings, as called for by the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. China plans to host the next round in 2016.

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