[wanabidii] How the UK can influence the climate agenda, plus…

Friday, April 17, 2015

Euphrates crisis, digital privacy, sharing health data

Continuing our series on foreign policy proposals for the next government, Shane Tomlinson argues that the UK can have a real influence on the climate change agenda by promoting sustainable business models, technology and investment in the run-up to the UN climate summit this December.

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The Euphrates' existing resource stresses have been compounded by upheaval in Syria and Iraq. Without urgent attention, these will add to the catastrophic humanitarian crisis created by the conflict, write Nouar Shamout and Glada Lahn.

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There is the potential for a damaging erosion of trust without a broad social agreement on digital privacy and security. A commitment to collaborative security and to privacy must replace lengthy and over-politicized negotiations, argues the Global Commission on Internet Governance.

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Recent international public health emergencies have demonstrated a worldwide need for improved surveillance data sharing procedures. Lessons from other sectors have the potential to inform the future development of data sharing in global public health, write Matthew Brack and Tito Castillo.

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Wednesday 22 April | 13:00 - 14:00

Charles Grant, Director, Centre for European Reform

Jonathan Portes, Director, National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Chair: Quentin Peel, Mercator Senior Fellow, Europe Programme, Chatham House

Further speakers TBC

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