[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Saturday, March 28, 2015
United Kingdom Parliament Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) Update

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Home Affairs Committee: latest update

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26-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Letter from James Brokenshire MP, Immigration and Security Minister, 26 March 2015

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United Kingdom Parliament Treasury Committee Homepage Update

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27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Treasury Committee publishes report into FCA mishandling of pre-briefing of its Life Insurance Review
23-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Letter dated 19 december 2014 from Frank Haskew, Head of ICAEW Tax Faculty on Direct Recovery of Debts

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Constitution Committee: latest update

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27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

The Constitution Committee has published a report on inter-governmental relations in the UK
26-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Corrected oral and written evidence taken on the inquiry on inter-governmental relations in the UK

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Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee: latest update

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27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee publishes report on CAP payments to farmers
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

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United Kingdom Parliament Scottish Affairs Committee Homepage Update

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27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Scottish Affairs Committee publishes its final blacklisting report

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United Kingdom Parliament Public Accounts Committee (Commons) Update

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27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Public Accounts Committee publish report into the care people with learning disabilities receive

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Votes and Proceedings

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26-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

View the formal record of the proceedings of the House of Commons

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Latest news from Parliament

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27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

The Constitution Committee has published a report on inter-governmental relations in the UK
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Public Accounts Committee publish report into the care people with learning disabilities receive
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

International Development Committee publishes report on DFID's bilateral programme in Nepal
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Scottish Affairs Committee publishes its final blacklisting report
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee publishes report on CAP payments to farmers
26-03-2015 05:30 PM GMT

Prorogation announcement delivered in the Lords and the Commons

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Latest news from the House of Commons

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27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Public Accounts Committee publish report into the care people with learning disabilities receive
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

International Development Committee publishes report on DFID's bilateral programme in Nepal
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Scottish Affairs Committee publishes its final blacklisting report
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee publishes report on CAP payments to farmers
26-03-2015 05:30 PM GMT

Prorogation announcement delivered in the Lords and the Commons

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Read the latest Committee news

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27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

The Constitution Committee has published a report on inter-governmental relations in the UK
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Public Accounts Committee publish report into the care people with learning disabilities receive
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

International Development Committee publishes report on DFID's bilateral programme in Nepal
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee publishes report on CAP payments to farmers
27-03-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Scottish Affairs Committee publishes its final blacklisting report

Read yesterday's House of Commons debates


Thursday 26 March 2015

Debates and Oral Answers
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Written questions and answers and Written statements are available to view on the Written questions and answers and Written statements pages.

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United Kingdom Parliament Justice Committee Update

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United Kingdom Parliament Scottish Affairs Committee Homepage Update

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27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

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United Kingdom Parliament Treasury Committee Homepage Update

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Recent Parliamentary Reports Update (UK Parliament)

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27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Public Accounts. HC 973
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Scottish Affairs. HC 272
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Treasury. HC 881
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. HC 1143
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Public Administration. HC 886
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Scottish Affairs. HC 1130
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Financial services, taxation and financial assistance to Member States; Broad guidelines for economic policies; The European Police College. House of Commons. European Scrutiny. HC 219-xxxvi
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

International cooperation to combat match-fixing; Employment guidelines; Rule of Law in the EU; Female genital mutilation. House of Commons. European Scrutiny. HC 219-xxxvii
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. International Development. HC 854
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Statutory Instruments. HC 553-iv
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Lords. Constitution. HL Paper 146
27-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Joint Committee. Statutory Instruments. HL Paper 151/HC 332-xxvii
Read the latest standard notes from the House of Commons Library

Read the latest standard notes from the House of Commons Library

27-03-2015 02:18 PM GMT

This note lists known appointments to the Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Chiltern Hundreds and the Manor of Northstead since 1946
27-03-2015 02:11 PM GMT

A list of Labour Party leaders and officials since 1975
27-03-2015 01:56 PM GMT

This note outlines the work of the Law Commission of England and Wales and desribes the parliamentary procedures used to implement Law Commission recommendations.
27-03-2015 01:38 PM GMT

A list of Liberal Party, Social Democratic Party and Liberal Democrats leaders and officials since 1975
27-03-2015 01:10 PM GMT

A list of Conservative party leaders and officials since 1975
27-03-2015 12:29 PM GMT

The Licensing Act 2003 regulates the sale and supply of alcohol and is underpinned by four licensing objectives. One of these is the "protection of children from harm". Most activity around licensing in relation to protecting children relates to preventing the illegal sale of alcohol to under 18s; regulating the access to licensed premises by children; and preventing the consumption of alcohol by children on licensed premises.
26-03-2015 06:04 PM GMT

A new round of bank branch closures has been announced by several banks. This Note sets out the industry's response.
26-03-2015 05:01 PM GMT

This note give an overview of the post-2012 higher education tuition fee system, it sets out the different fee arrangement across the UK and outlines the policies of political parties with regard to tuition fees.
26-03-2015 02:59 PM GMT

The purpose of this note is to explain the treatment of gift vouchers and cards when a company goes into administration. It outlines the statutory order of distribution to creditors of realised company assets. It also considers various options available to a purchaser of a gift or credit card to get a refund. Finally, it briefly explores whether there may be scope for a change in the law in this area

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Read new research papers from the House of Commons Library

27-03-2015 11:57 AM GMT

This paper sets out the main changes to direct tax rates and allowances announced in the Budget on 18 March 2015, for the tax year 2015/16.

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United Kingdom Parliament POST Note Update


Biodiversity Auditing

Published 26 March 2015 | POST notes POST PN 490

This POSTnote summarises the data sources used and the advantages of the audit approach for addressing biodiversity loss.


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Communities and Local Government Committee Update

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27-03-2015 03:22 PM GMT

Clive Betts MP expresses concern about the take-up of funding for key Government housing programmes

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United Kingdom Parliament Scottish Affairs Committee Homepage Update

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25-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

25-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

25-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

25-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

25-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

25-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

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House of Commons Commission: latest update

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27-03-2015 01:00 PM GMT

Following the Dissolution of Parliament on 30 March 2015, all select committees have ceased to exist

Parliament on Twitter

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United Kingdom Parliament House of Lords on Twitter Update

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United Kingdom Parliament Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) Update

You are subscribed to the Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) email alerts for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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27-03-2015 02:03 PM GMT

Our work in the 2010-2015 Parliament published on Saturday 28 March
27-03-2015 11:59 AM GMT

Public Administration Select Committee publish report on 27 March 2015

Parliament's YouTube channel

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27-03-2015 11:43 AM GMT

This is the Q&A session from the Big Data and Governance seminar held in November 2014 to accompany the publication of POST’s Big Data POSTnotes . The seminar discussed the opportunities and challenges of big data as well as the issues it creates for governance. Drawing a balance between maximising the utility of data and protecting personal privacy and civil rights, ensuring fairness and preventing discrimination poses difficult questions. At the seminar experts from across academia, government, industry and the third sector debated where this balance should lie and differentwatch the the first part: Big Data and Governance: balancing risks and rewards Watch the the first part: Big Data and Governance: balancing risks and rewards: https://youtu.be/a2fjk3OmfUo
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Time: 23:19 More in News & Politics

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