[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Thursday, February 19, 2015
High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

You are subscribed to High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons) for the United Kingdom Parliament

Read new research papers from the House of Commons Library

18-02-2015 09:05 AM GMT

The Library's monthly research paper Unemployment by Constituency will be published by the end of today
17-02-2015 04:03 PM GMT

The House of Commons Commission Bill 2014-15 amends the House of Commons (Administration) Act 1978 to make changes to the membership and remit of the House of Commons Commission.

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Read the latest standard notes from the House of Commons Library

Read the latest standard notes from the House of Commons Library

18-02-2015 12:19 PM GMT

A guide to the debates on the Pension Schemes Bill 2014-15 in the House of Lords
18-02-2015 12:11 PM GMT

The Care Act 2014 is introducing a number of changes to social care funding, following the report of the Commission on Funding of Care and Support chaired by Andrew Dilnot. This note consider the practical implications of the proposed introduction of the care on social care costs, the changes to the means-test, both from April 2016, and from April 2015 extending eligiblity for first party top-ups to all care home residents.
17-02-2015 04:52 PM GMT

This note covers policy announcements on the withdrawal of Housing Benefit entitlement from young people under 21. The note considers evidence on the potential impact of withdrawal and provides comment from housing organisations and those working with young homeless people.

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High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

You are subscribed to High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons) for the United Kingdom Parliament

18-02-2015 03:41 PM GMT

Committee announces (revised) programme for February and March

United Kingdom Parliament House of Lords on Twitter Update

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Political and Constitutional Reform Committee (Commons) Update

You are subscribed to the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee email alerts for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

18-02-2015 11:46 AM GMT

PCRC looks into arrangements for forming a government after a general election

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Parliament on Twitter

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Energy and Climate Change Committee: latest update

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18-02-2015 11:45 AM GMT

Energy and Climate Change Committee Chair comments on CMA's updated issues statement

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