[wanabidii] Naftali Bennett threatened by Leftists, ISIS Bloopers, Snow, The Non-War with Islam - Feb. 19, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

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February 19, 2015 / 30 Shevat 5775
Chodesh Tov



Headlines & Recommended

Join us for "The Anglo Vote" Election Debate in Jerusalem [election]
The evening begins with a dairy reception at 6:30 PM, and the conversations and debate begin at 7:30 PM.
Election Debate Photos with Logo

The Left has Learned Nothing from the Rabin Murder
Last night I arrived to a Bayit Yehudi campaign event in Haifa. My security detail would not let me enter the building because of radical leftist activists who had entered the hall...
Naftali Bennett Hitler

Swedish Journalist Blamed Jews for anti-Semitism, Israeli Ambassador Wins the Day
Would you blame a woman for being raped? Then why ask whether Jews are responsible for anti-Semitism.
Isaac Bachman, Israel's Ambassador to Sweden

Obama Says US 'Not At War With Islam'
US President Barack Obama stresses Wednesday that America is "not at war with Islam" but "must confront the twisted ideology terrorists use to recruit" youth.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Indyk, Ross Suggest US-Israel 'Nuclear Guarantee' Over Iran
Former US special envoys Martin Indyk and Dennis Ross propose a "nuclear guarantee" for Israel by the US.
Former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk

Taliban Ready for Peace Process with Obama
Does Taliban now represent Islam and not, as Obama states, those radicals "who have perverted Islam"?
Obama shakes hands with then-President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai in 2010.

Joe Biden Looking for Reason to Flee the Country when Bibi Speaks [video]
It seems the vice president is traveling in a time tunnel to go to Panama inauguration that was held last July.
Bibi and Biden, January 13, 2014.

Netanyahu Takes Credit for Heading 'War against Snow'
The other leaders are no better: Lapid takes credit for water rates going down and Livni says she is tough on Hamas.
Snow job.

Heavy Snow on Golan to Spread to the Negev Desert
"He gives snow like wool; He scatters hoarfrost like ashes." - Psalms 147:16.
Soldiers from the IDF's

A Nation in Freefall
Repeating the mantra "Israel has the right to defend itself" ad nauseam is not an adequate defense
israel for sale

Young Muslims to Protect Oslo Synagogue as Jews Pray in Norway
A 17-year-old has rallied hundreds of young Muslims in Oslo to protect Jews as they pray in synagogue this Saturday.
The Oslo Synagogue, built in 1920. The congregation was established earlier, in 1892.

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