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Mobile phone becomes the personal banking assistant
“Virtual Banking” is no longer a dream
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F-Road Shanghai, affiliated to Taisys and a JV with IFC*, provides the “virtual banking network” to its member banks by connecting the banking system to all MNOs in China, together with the Slim SIM as the secure elements. Up to date, more than 1,100 banks in China have been deploying the secure and convenient services using Taisys slim SIM technology, including state owned Agriculture Bank of China and nation-wide Postal Saving Banks of China. In Sept. 2014, the monthly transaction figures*reaches 28.36 billion USD, 28% growth rate to the precious month. The fast and reliable services provided by banks and trusted by consumers make “Virtual Banking” no longer a dream. The Slim SIM enables digital signature and encryption over SMS and data network to provide unprecedented security to the banking service, making a regular mobile phone becomes the personal banking assistant.
Secure Element that provides ownership of customers
CEO of Taisys, Jason Ho expresses, “The Slim SIM is the only secure element that strictly complies with ETSI/3GPP standards for the banks to deploy virtual banking with ownership of customers. As a GSMA associate member, we are dedicated in improving the technology evolution in order to include none-telco parties such as banks to serve their customers better in the mobile society. We are pleased to present the scale of the transaction size that is secured by our technology.”
Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Taisys Holding Co. Ltd.
For more information, please visit TAISYS website www.taisys.com.
*IFC, International Financial Corporation, is the investment arm of the World Bank.
*The figure includes only member banks of F-Road Shanghai, excluding the transaction size of Agriculture Bank of China and Postal Saving Bank of China
Media Contact 1 :
Cecilia Cheng / Sales & Marketing
Tel: +65-6272-9688
Cell: +65-9643-8339
E-mail: cecilia.cheng@taisys.com
Media Contact 2 :
Bernie Gee / Sales & Marketing
Tel: +886-2627-0927#6019
Cell: +886-932-384-067
E-mail: bernie.gee@taisys.com
About Taisys
Founded in 2005, Taisys Technologies Co. Ltd. (http://www.taisys.com) is a world leader in making mobile interconnectivity and vertical integration across various industry players. The patented SIMoME technology decouples Value-Added Services from the main SIM, empowering financial institutions, transport operators, and MNOs/MVNOs with innovative solutions. Present in Taipei, China, Singapore, Thailand and South Africa, Taisys has consistently experienced significant growth powered by increasing demand for roaming and banking services. Nowadays, over 10 million satisfied end users enjoy these mobile based value-added services worldwide.
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