[wanabidii] 3 Million march in France, Terrorist planned to attack Jewish schools, Global terrorism - Jan. 11, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

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January 11, 2015 / 20 Tevet 5775



Headlines & Recommended

3 Million People March in France Against Terror
World leader, families of victims, and millions of people walked though Paris to protest Islamic terrorism.
Leaders March in France

Netanyahu, World Leaders to Unite at French Solidarity Rally
Israel's PM Netanyahu joins heads of state from Germany, Britain, Spain and Italy in Paris as one million gather to rally on Sunday against terror.
Around the world, people have gathered to honor the victims who died at the hands of terrorists in Paris at vigils, holding signs reading 'Je suis Charlie' -- I am Charlie. The reference is to the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly magazine, the first target attacked by the terrorists, where 12 people died.

Maps of Paris Jewish Schools Found in Terrorist's Car
Terrorist murdered woman 100 yards from Jewish school.

Come To Israel For Love
Come live in Israel-make us stronger and live unashamedly JEWISH in our God-given land. We need you.

Terror Alerts Highest in France, Raised Around the World
Security personnel are on their highest level in France; the terror threat is rising globally too.
French SWAT teams move into position on Friday prior to assault on Paris kosher grocery store ahead of Sabbath.

German Newspaper Offices Firebombed After Printing Hebdo Cartoons
'Paris was the beginning of the apocalypse in Europe' blared a tweet on the firebombed German newspaper.
Hamburger Morgenpost, a German newspaper which reprinted Charlie Hebdo cartoons, was firebombed overnight. Jan. 11, 2014.

CNN Offers $10K Reward For Positive Stories Of Islamists
CNN issued the offer in keeping with its policy of offsetting every negative report about Islamists (satire)
CNN could not have committed a worse sin in journalism than its initial report Tuesday on the

An Issue of Leadership
In history of warfare only Israel gives warnings to the enemy with insane "Purity of Arms" doctrine
Knesset and Menorah

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CNN Offers $10K Reward For Positive Stories Of Islamists
PreOccupied Territory
PreOccupied Territory
CNN could not have committed a worse sin in journalism than its initial report Tuesday on the

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