[wanabidii] Gaza rocket hits Israel, Liberman's secret post-election plan, Gluten-free battle rations, Harvard will investigate - Dec. 19, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

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December 19, 2014 / 27 Kislev 5775
Happy Hanukah / Shabbat Shalom


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Headlines & Recommended

Harvard Will Investigate, But Will it Reverse SodaStream Boycott?
Harvard announced it will "look into" its boycott of SodaStream. But will it remove the boycott?
The Harvard seal,

Liberman's Secret Plan to be Crowned Prime Minister
Liberman and Kachlon may merge right after elections - and the larger party will recommend Liberman for Prime Minister to the President.
Moshe Kachlon (L) and Avigdor Liberman (R)

UPDATE: Gaza Rocket Lands in Israel
12:36 PM – Army admits that a rocket actually landed in Israel in an open area. This is the first time since Operation Protective Edge that the IDF admits that a rocket landed within Israel's territory. 11:46 AM A rocket alert was heard in the Eshkol region. The IDF is checking if this is a […]
False Alarm 2

Latest Election Poll
Reshet Bet has released their latest election poll...
israel polls

Gluten-Free Army Rations for Combat Soldiers with Celiac Disease
Israelis will Celiac disease will now be allowed to join combat units.
IDF soldiers progress towards Gaza, July 20, 2014.

The Diapora's Dilemma in Sydney
The decision to not publicly light the Menorah in Sydney, epitomizes the eternal dilemma of Judaism and Jews in the Diaspora.
The annual Chabad menorah lighting in Sydney has been called off this year because of the murders in the Lindt cafe.

US Govt IDs North Korea in Sony Cyber Terror Attack
The U.S. government has definitely linked North Korea to the cyber terror siege of Sony Pictures.
Cinema City Iron Man Theater in Jerusalem. (illustrative)

Obama Negotiated with Cuba 'Behind Everyone's Back,' Lawmakers Charge
U.S. lawmakers were divided, but many upset, about Pres. Barack Obama's secret talks that restored full relations with Cuba.
U.S. President Barack Obama.

Cuba: Rewarding Bad Behavior
Obama obtained NO verifiable commitments from Cuba it would desist from acts prejudicial to the US
Russia Cuba relations

Hanukkah Miracle Brings '770′ Stabbing Victim Home
A Chabad rabbinic student stabbed in "770" has returned home from the hospital.
New York police responded instantly to a call for help and saved countless lives at

Netanyahu 'Will Not Allow' PA's UN Resolution to Endanger Israelis
PM Binyamin Netanyahu warns he will not allow the UN Security Council resolution on behalf of the PA to endanger Israeli citizens.
PM Binyamin Netanyahu lights Hanukkah candles in Jerusalem.

'Powerful Coalition' of ISIS, Al-Qaeda is Narrowly Averted
Radical US Jewish lawyer involved in attempt to unite terrorists.
ISIS terrorists.

The Menorah Mission
It's a special one. Some sort of family heirloom.

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