[Mabadiliko] Mkono: I escaped kidnapping attempt

Thursday, December 18, 2014

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Musoma Rural MP Nimrod Mkono (pictured) yesterday said he escaped a kidnap attempt by unknown people on Tuesday morning.

In a press statement, the MP said, he was involved in a car chase along Old Bagamoyo Road at 10:am as he was coming from Bagamoyo.

He said two vehicles, a Prado and Land Cruizer VX, attempted to block his car at Tangi-Bovu area, but his driver swerved and escaped.

"In the two vehicles there were people with dark glasses and who were driving fast to try to overtake us, but my driver outmanoeuvred them. We finally escaped after seeking help from a policeman along the highway," he said, adding that the incident was reported to the Kawe Police Station.

Yesterday, The Citizen confirmed that the MP's driver recorded a statement with the police and he was given RB No: KW/RB/12156/2014.

Source:The Citizen

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