[wanabidii] ISIS has Fighter Jets, Bennett vs. Kerry, US-Israel Relations - Oct. 18, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

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October 18, 2014 / 24 Tishri 5775 / Shavua Tov

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Welcome back.
For readers in the US, after your 3 day Yom Tov, you will not believe what has gone on in the world while you were gone.

ISIS has acquired fighter jets, Kerry blames Israel for ISIS's popularity (but denies that's what he meant), someone in the US reportedly blocked an attempt to help locate a kidnapped Israeli soldier, and Israel has decided to start building strategic weapons locally after the the US delay on weapons shipments during the Gaza war turned out to be even more extensive than previously reported. There was a major avalance in Napal that killed a number of Israelis and Ebola is still in the news.

Headlines & Recommended

US Shut Down Effort to Help Locate Kidnapped Israeli Soldier
Someone in the U.S. gave the order to stop assisting Israel in locating a kidnapped soldier this summer. Who was it?
Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul, HY

Exposé: US Blocked All Defense Shipments to Israel in Middle of War
The temporary blockade may cause a major shift away from Israelis dependence on Uncle Sam.
The Iron Dome Missile launch near Ashdod on during the war against Hams this summer.

ISIS Now Has Fighter Jets
Let's see... ISIS now has artillery, fighter jets and chemical weapons. Good thing Israel destroyed Iraq's nuclear weapons program years ago.
ISIS Fighter Jets

ISIS Now Crucifiying Their Own People
Friends, enemies, it's all the same, as long as they get to kill people.
The flag of ISIS

Lieberman and Indyk Bash Bennett for Bashing Kerry
Barnum and Bailey's three-ring circus could not have done better.
Naftali Bennett accused Kerry of

Kerry Says Lack of Israeli-PA Peace Fuels Islamic Terror Recruitment
He stopped short of saying Israeli surrender to the PA would stop ISIS sex slavery.

US Says No Need to Equate Gaza War's Travel Ban with Ebola Danger
State Dept. insists the danger of traveling to Israel in the war was greater than that posed by potential Ebola carriers.
US says no need for visa ban from Ebola-infected countries.

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