[wanabidii] Abbas, Chabad, NBA, ISIS, Ebola, Hezbollah, City of David - Oct. 10, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

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October 10, 2014 / 16 Tishri 5775 /
Shabbat Shalom / Moadim l'Simcha


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Headlines & Recommended

Abbas Regime Visits Gaza in 'Unity' Con Game for $4 Billion in Aid
"This meeting is more symbolic than anything else." – Palestinian Authority foreign minister.
Palestinian Authority Arabs wave the flags of two PA factions, Fatah (yellow) and Hamas (green) in support of unity.

Israeli Girl Molested in Chabad 770, Arrest Made
The "Shomrim" security squad tracked own the suspect.
Homeless Jewish girls roam the streets of New York with their luggage.

NBA' Danny Green Post 'LOL' Selfie at Berlin Holocaust Memorial
"Yes, mistakes do happen," he said in an apology.
Danny Green's

ISIS Might Use Ebola as Doomsday Suicide Weapon, Warns Former US Expert
The good news is that an ISIS terrorist infected with Ebola also could wipe out the ISIS.

Ebola Victim Dies in Texas; Israel Gears Up to Meet Threat
Israel prepares for the possibility of Ebola as the first US death from the virus make headlines in Texas.
PM Binyamin Netanyahu meets with ministry officials in Jerusalem on how to deal with impending Ebola threat.

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