[wanabidii] Israel downs Syrian fighter jet. Hamas kidnappers killed. Arab Bank found liable for supporting Hamas. On Rosh Hashana - Sept. 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

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September 23, 2014 / 28 Elul 5774
What a way to end the year!
The Hamas kidnappers/murderers killed, the Arab Bank found liable for supporting Hamas, Israel takes down a Syrian fighter jet...


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Israel Shoots Down Syrian Sukhoi-24 Fighter Jet In Israeli Airspace
The IDF shot down a Syrian fighter jet that infiltrated Israeli air space, using a Patriot missile.
Drone Intercept Along Syrian Border 1

Kidnappers/Killers of Naftali, Eyal and Gilad Killed in Shootout
Released for publication: The two Hamas terrorists who kidnapped and killed Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frankel, and Eyal Yifrach have been killed in an overnight security operation.

Arab Bank Found Liable for Hamas Terror Funding
After 2 days of deliberation by a jury, following a 5 week trial, and 10 years of legal battles, Jordan's Arab Bank has been found guilty of helping Hamas financially.
Logos of the Arab Bank

"Don't Release Bodies of Hamas Terrorist Murderers!"
Knesset Speaker Elkin says Israel should hold Hamas terrorist bodies until IDF soldier bodies returned.
Marwan Kawasme (left) and Amar Abu Aisha from Hebron were believed to be the Hamas terrorists who kidnapped and murdered Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel.

'Now the World Will Know Jewish Blood Isn't Free'
A statement issued by the Frenkel, Yifrach and Sha'ar families thanks Israel for 'justice served.'
The mothers of the three Israeli boys kidnapped and murdered by Hamas terrorists were at the United Nations on June 23, 2014. Naftali Frenkel's mother addressed the UN Human Rights Council.

Rosh HaShana Message from PM Binyamin Netanyahu
PM Netanyahu has sent out his Rosh HaShana greeting to Jews around the world.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Attacking ISIS, Obama Will Only Repeat The Disasters Of His Predecessor
The big service ISIS is doing the West right now is checking Iranian power, just as the Sunni rebels inside Syria are keeping the Iranian agent Hezbollah in check, and just as the PLO is keeping Hamas in check, at least to some degree.
George Bush and Barack Obama

What to Pray for this Rosh HaShanah
"I pray that fellow Jews open their eyes & connect themselves to the national side of being a Jew"

US, Allies Bomb ISIS in Syria
The US and allies began bombing ISIS in Syria on Monday despite warnings from Russia and Iran. Washington informed Damascus.
The Syrian rebel flag flies in the town of Quneitra on September 1, 2014. But which rebel group? At present, Al Qaeda-linked Jabhat al Nusra controls the crossing on the Syrian side.

ISIS Calls on Muslims to Kill Non-Muslims Everywhere, in Every Way
ISIS urged all Muslims to kill all non-Muslims, and referred to Kerry as an 'uncircumcised old Geezer.'
The flag of ISIS

Muslims Tell ISIS: #NotInMyName [video]
British Muslims launch social media campaign against ISIS, called #NotInMyName.
A Muslim social media campaign against ISIS was begun by the British Active Change Foundation.

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