[wanabidii] Islamic Hate Mail, False(?) Alarm Scrambles South, UNDOF No More, ISIS without Islam - Sept. 15, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

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September 15, 2014 / 20 Elul 5774
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Turning Death Into Life – an Answer to Hamas
In the areas where over 1,000 rockets and missiles fell, Israeli farmers will plant 100,000 new fruit trees!
Planting Trees on the Golan

Islamic Hate Mail
The Islamic hate mail we received in response to today's cartoon had us on the floor laughing our heads off. But that might be a bad choice of words.
Forward ISIS Hamas

False Alarm in Southern Israel, Real Rocket Fire in North
Residents of Gaza Belt communities in the south headed for bomb shelters on a false alarm at midday Monday. Northern Israel was hit earlier.
Israeli women take cover as a Code Red rocket alert siren activates. Archive (2013)

UPDATE: Gaza Rocket Alert (12:04pm)
12:04pm IDF says there was no rocket launch at Israel from Gaza. Gazan sources say a rocket misfired and landed inside Gaza. No explosions or rocket landings were heard inside Israel. Conclusion:  […]
No more rockets

UNDOF Troops Pull Out of Syria, Head for Israel
United Nations peacekeepers are pulling out of Syria and heading for the Israeli side of the border due to deteriorating security.
A UNDOF base in the Golan Heights.

ISIS Prompts Hezbollah's 'Great Need to Remain in Syria'
The presence of ISIS has created a "great need" for Hezbollah to remain in Syria, says an official from the Lebanese terror group's executive council.
Lebanon's Hezbollah terror organization, now fighting in Syria, says the presence of ISIS makes it

Hamas Denies Political Bureau Chief Khaled Meshaal Leaving Qatar
Hamas denies its politburo chief Khaled Meshaal will leave Qatar; the monarchy evicted Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood leaders.
Hamas leader in exile Khaled Meshaal (R) and Hamas prime minister in the Gaza Strip Ismail Haniya (L) gesture to the supporters during a rally to mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Islamist movement, in Gaza City on December 8, 2012. to mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Islamist movement, in Gaza City on December 8, 2012.

Neo-Nazi Vandalism in Sderot
Police arrest three in connection with anti-Semitic vandalism in Sderot, including slathered green swastikas and dripping red Satanic symbols.
One of the vandalized cars in Sderot that was slathered with a painted swastika and dripping red paint intended to look like blood, imitating a Satanic ritual symbol.

Abbas to Request France Recognize PA State
PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas reportedly plans to ask French Pres. Francois Hollande to recognize the Palestinian Authority as a sovereign nation.
Ramallah-based Fatah leader and Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Mahmoud Abbas still leads the faltering Palestinian Authority

'Thanks But No Thanks' – Gaza Landlords Refuse to Rent to Hamas
Egypt-based Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk says Gaza landlords are refusing to rent to Hamas terrorists.
High-rise multi-use tower in Gaza City attacked overnight by IAF, August 26, 2014.

Israel's Ambassador Presents Credentials in Egypt
Israeli Ambassador Chaim Koren has taken residence in Cairo and presented his credentials to Egyptian Pres. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
Israeli Ambassador to Egypt Chaim Koren presents his credentials to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014, at the presidential palace in Cairo.

Swastikas Again in Series of Philadelphia Attacks of Anti-Semitism
Since March, there have been repeated acts of anti-Semitic vandalism against Philly's Jewish sites and institutions.
Section of the Philadelphia Holocaust Memorial, just one of several Jewish sites and institutions struck by anti-Semitic vandalism in 2014.

"PUMP" to Kick Oil Addiction
If simple fuel choice were implemented, the power of petroleum and those who sell it would cease.
Gas Pump

IDF Stands By as Al Qaeda Offensive Threatens Golan Farmers
Israelis in the Golan Heights are caught between a rock and a hard place.
A Jew, a soldier and a Druze watch - very carefully - the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

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