[wanabidii] Fw: 14-year-old girl given as gift to IS commander escapes

Saturday, September 13, 2014

On Saturday, September 13, 2014 12:06 AM, "ANS@Assist-Ministries.com" <ANS@Assist-Ministries.com> wrote:

14-year-old girl given as gift to IS commander escapes
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Friday, September 12, 2014

14-year-old girl given as gift to IS commander escapes

By Mark Ellis
Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (ANS) -- At only 14 she was captured from her dusty village on the western Ninevah plains by IS fighters, then given as a bride - a trophy of war - to one of their 50-year-old commanders. By God's grace, she was able to escape one Friday evening, while he bowed before Allah in the mosque.
On Aug. 3, relatives called Narin's* family with alarming news: IS fighters were approaching their quiet village, Tel Uzer. Fearing the worst, her Yazidi family fled on foot, carrying only their clothes and a few valuables, according to Narin's firsthand account told to The Washington Post.
Their immediate thought was to take refuge on Mount Sinjar, along with thousands of other Yazidis, because they heard the descriptions of IS brutality and what they had done to non-Muslims. But they never made it to Mount Sinjar.
"Suddenly several vehicles drew up and we found ourselves surrounded by militants wearing Islamic State uniforms. Several people screamed in horror; we were scared for our lives. I've never felt so helpless in my 14 years. They had blocked our path to safety, and there was nothing we could do," Narin told The Post.
The IS fighters divided their captives by gender and age: One group was comprised of younger, more capable men, another group composed of girls and young women, and a third held older men and wo men.
"The jihadists stole cash and jewelry from this last group," Narin recounted, "and left them alone at the oasis. Then they placed the girls and women in trucks. As they drove us away, we heard gunshots. Later we learned that they were killing the young men."
Narin was taken to an empty school in a small town west of Mosul near the Syrian border. "We met many other Yazidi women who were captured by Islamic State. Their fathers, brothers and husbands had also been killed," she told The Post.
One of the IS fighters entered the room where the women were kept and shouted, "I testify that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is his prophet. If you repeat this, you will become Muslims," he said.

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Mark Ellis is a senior correspondent for ASSIST News Service and the founder of www.Godreports.com.  He is available to speak to groups about the plight of the church in restricted countries, to share stories and testimonies from the mission field, and to preach the gospel.

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