Good People,
The way President Uhuru has handled this Land Case issue is commendable.
Revocation was one step then the Court is left to finalize the matter and he
with his executive will not interfere with matters in court and Justice must be
seen to be done. Evidence of the facts and people involved are in the open.
People must unite to follow with the legal process of justice.
I believe this is the beginning of good things to come which means, other land
cases in the country shall follow progressively and the functioning of Judicial
Institution of the Court shall have no option but to provide justice as required.
Cheers !!!
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
President Kenyatta Hosts Lamu County Leaders For Second Day Published on Aug 1, 2014
The deep seated animosity between the indigenous and immigrant communities played out infront of the President and hid deputy as leaders from Lamu county traded counter accusations over who was the cause of the wave of insecurity in the area. The president was forced to carry over the meeting which began Friday morning to allow the leaders to openly ventilate on the emotive issue. And as Hassan Mugambi reports the leaders have now resolved to burry the hatchet and work together towards a peaceful and secure Lamu.
ODM Writes To Rebel MPs Over Perceived Party Disloyalty Published on Jul 31, 2014
Three ODM mps could lose their seats over perceived disloyalty to the party. ODM has formally written To Mps Dalmas Otieno, Gideon Mung'aro and Zeinab Chidzuga requiring them to show cause why the party should not discipline them for allegedly championing the formation of another political party while still being ODM members. Kendagor Obadiah has the details.
President's State Address on Revocation of Land Titles in Lamu whats Orengo and cords reply? they were in charge of land and immigration in the last government.
Opinion Court Discussion on Lamu Land Revocations part 1 hrs · Nairobi, Kenya ·
A LIST OF LAMU LAND GRABBERS; Lamu land was illegally allocated between 2011 and eve of 2012 General election. Allocations were effected by CORD'S JAMES ORENGO
1. Brick Investments Limited, LR No. 29110 -40,014 acres
2. Brick Investments Limited LR No. 29113 - 40,014 acres
3. Rusken International Limited LR No. 2911 - 40,014 acres
4. Mat International LR No. 29115 - 40,014 acres
5. Witu Nyangoro (DA) Company LR No. 29274 - 79, 534 acres
6. Witu Conservative Self Help Group LR No. 281448 - 54,201 acres
7. Shanghai Investment Limited LR No. 29247 - 19,760 acres
8. Fincorp Investments (K) Limited LR No. 29246 - 41,990
9. Kaab Investments LR No. 29322 - 6,268 acres
10. Sheila Ranch Limited LR No. 29254 - 5,399 acres
11. Dynamic Trading Co. Limited LR No. 29067 - 22,230 acres
12. Savannah Fresh Fruits Exports LR No. 29067 - 24,502 acres
13. Mokowe Kibokoni Ranch Limited LR No. 29256 - 6,725 acres
14. Panda Nguo Boni Community - 12,350 acres
15. Baragoni Boni Community LR No. 29275 - 19,760 acres
16. Khalrala Ranch LR 29255 - 12,276 acres
17. Cyberdom Investments LR No. 29322 - 11,000 acres
18. Baragoni Ranch
19. Enganani Ranch
20. Lamu Investments
21. Amu Ranch
22. Maalim Ranch
Total land grabbed 476,051 acres
1. Lost two parliamentary seats to Jubilee in a by election
2. Organized and attended more than 200 rallies.
3. Bailing out criminals.
4. Boston trip for 3 months.
5. Baba while you were away hash tag
6. Saba saba rally.
7. Cyprus Honorary counsel
8. 800 million debt owed to SK Macharia
9. Coast incitements
10. Kicked out Munga'ro
11. Aborted ODM elections
12. Men in Black
CC. Phil Etale
According to Uhuru, the audit report shows 22 private entities shared 500, 000 acres of land in Lamu between April 2012 and November 2012 despite a Moratorium on Public Land, which represents 70% of available arable land in Lamu County. Also, 13 out of the 21 berths for the Lamu Port have also been allocated to individuals. The land was allegedly grabbed strategically for speculation purposes targeting Lappset project.
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Uhuru orders Ngilu to reposes 500,000 acres in Lamu
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President Uhuru Kenyatta has ordered Lands cabinet secretary Charity Ngilu to repossess 500,000 acres of public land in Lamu that was irregularly allocated to 22 private entities.
The land, according to the President, accounts for 70 per cent of land in Lamu county.
He ordered Ms Ngilu, together with the National Land Commission, to revoke the title deeds of the private entities.