Do you need to build up the capacity of your farmers, field officers or yourself?
In the next three weeks we'll have a range of trainings:
- For farmers we have Organic Agriculture basic course
- For professionals, community based trainers and animators we have Training of Trainers
- For those working on environmental issues, hygiene and sanitation we have Sustainable Waste Management course
Organic Agriculture Basic from 18th to 22nd August
In these 5 days the participants will learn: Composting, preparation of botanical pesticides, plot lay out, drought resistant technologies, grafting and budding of fruit trees.
For further information
Training of Trainers from 25th to 29th August
In these 5 days the participants will learn: Designing a training session, pace and content of sessions, combination of different training inputs, oral questioning, dealing with different types of learners, giving and receiving feedback, storytelling to enhance the learning process
For further information
Sustainable Waste Management from 1st to 5th September
In these 5 days the participants will learn: to make poly mattresses (reused plastic bags), Eco - Charcoal (recycled paper). compost (all sorts of organic matter), waste water management and sorting of waste.
For further information
For making a booking please fill the application form and send it to
All the best from Morogoro
Janet & Alex
Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania P.O.Box 6369, Morogoro Tel:0754 925560; 0655 925560 email: HP: