[wanabidii] Ebrief on Training on How to Figure it Out?Doing Research with (Your Own) Quantitative Data

Monday, August 04, 2014






Training on  How to Figure it Out?

Doing Research with (Your Own) Quantitative Data












REPOA invites Practising Researchers to a training workshop on “How to Figure it Out?” Doing Research with (Your Own) Quantitative Data (Using  Stata)


This is a hands-on ‘learning by doing’ 5-day workshop that seeks to address the kind of hurdles researchers are likely to encounter when doing research with quantitative data. The typical situation this workshop seeks to address is that of a researcher who seeks to apply statistics to a specific field of expertise (for example, economics, social analysis, health studies, etc.) that defines the substance of his or her research, using quantitative data (preferably collected by the researcher).


The course content includes:

•          Using data description and statistical inference as research tools.

•          Distinguishing statistical significance from substantive significance

•          Reshaping the data matrix (or matrices) and redefining variables to acquire focus.

•          Framing a question within the confines of a given data matrix (or matrices)

•          Designing a data matrix foe collection of own data.          



                    A good degree, in Economics, Statistics, Social Science, or Health Sciences, or equivalent.

                    Previous knowledge and understating of statistical theory (at intermediate level), including standard theory of statistical inference.

                    Some knowledge of exploratory data analysis is welcome but some of its methods will be taught in the workshop


This workshop is not a short course in statistics and, hence, assumes prior knowledge of intermediate-level statistical theory. It is a short course about methods of investigation, or, more precisely, about the use of ‘technology within methodology’: applying statistical techniques to investigate a concrete research problem. Therefore, this workshop is specifically designed for researchers working in universities or in research departments of institutions engaged in active research using quantitative data. Specifically, it is designed for researchers with some prior experience in doing quantitative researches and thus meant for researchers, and not consultants.


Exceptionally, beginning researchers may also be admitted to the course, provided they have good foundations in statistics and some experience in actually working with data.


Specific preference will be given to researchers who (seek to) carry out research using their own (quantitative) surveys or, alternatively, quantitative surveys in combination with qualitative interviews / questionnaires.


About Stata:

Applicants who have a good knowledge of statistical theory and have experience with the use of other statistical software, but who are unfamiliar (or not sufficiently familiar) with Stata can apply to participate in a 3-days workshop on ‘Data Management with Stata’, offered prior to the main workshop from the 9th  to 11th October, 2014. 


A small test (consisting of a set of structured exercises to be solved individually) will be held at the end of the workshop; satisfactory completion of this test is essential for participation in the workshop on “How to Figure it Out?”


Important note:


During training, participants will have access to Stata, but it should be clear from the outset that REPOA cannot provide participants with licenced copies of Stata free of charge. Participants should consult with their employers (or, in the case of students, their schools or departments of study) about acquiring a licenced copy of Stata. If necessary, REPOA can organize the acquisition of individual software licences at the most economic cost for users in African research institutions or universities.


Certificate of Attendance:


Participants will be required to prepare for active participation. Mere attendance to the workshop is therefore not an option and participants may be discontinued from further participation if they do not actively participate in its hands-on activities through structured exercises. A certificate of attendance will only be awarded to participants who (1) participate actively in the workshop activities, and (2) obtain a positive assessment of the quality of their work done in tackling the exercises set during the workshop.


The workshop on “Data Management with Stata” will be held from 9th to 11th October 2014

The workshop on” How to Figure it Out?” will be held from 13th – 17th October 2014

Both workshops will be held in Dar es Salaam


Applicants should submit:

I.                    A typed application letter together with a duly filled information sheet  available at REPOA offices and online

II.                  II.   Detailed curriculum vitae, including photocopies of degree certificates.


The closing date for applications is 1st September 2014. Only successful applicants will be notified.


Women are highly encouraged to apply

Completed application package should be submitted as e-mail attachments to REPOA at repoa@repoa.or.tz

For further inquiries please contact Linda Madete through linda@repoa.or.tz or contacts provided in the below address:


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P.O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania • 157 Mgombani Street, Regent Estate
Tel: +255 (0) (22) 2700083 / 0784 555 655 • Fax: 255 (0) (22) 2775738











































Hannah Mwandoloma

Communications Officer



REPOA, undertakes and facilitates research, conducts and coordinates training, and promotes dialogue and development of policy for pro-poor growth and poverty reduction.

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