Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki, The following new content has been been added to our website: News 04/06/2014 - For decades Tunisia has been one of Africa's best performers in macroeconomic and social policies. But the social unrest and political turmoil that engulfed the country in January 2011 showed that, despite its comparative economic success, several key social and development challenges remained. Categories: Tunisia, Human Capital Development, Private Sector, Employment, Civil Society 04/06/2014 - Health professionals are increasingly accountable for the way they use resources, the services they provide to people and, more generally, the results they deliver. In the wake of the Arab Spring and the progress of democracy across Africa, citizens' voices are amplifying this trend. Categories: Tunisia, Human Capital Development, Health 04/06/2014 - Achieving the health Millennium Development Goals in Africa requires training a dynamic and skilled health workforce. Most African countries suffer from considerable underfunding of the health sector, along with critical health workforce shortages, poor distribution and inadequate performance. Health sectors in Africa face serious challenges in producing, employing, incentivizing, motivating and managing results-based performance. Categories: Health, Information & Communication Technology, Education, Human Capital Development, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 04/06/2014 - In recent years Africa has undergone an economic transformation characterized by continuous growth, an emerging middle class, a demographic dividend, technology takeoff and the prospects of prosperity and innovation. But with rising urbanization, an epidemiological transition, and a growing and aging population, the demand for hospital care will inevitably rise. Hospitals must evolve to meet the needs of the new Africa. Categories: Health, Human Capital Development, Information & Communication Technology, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 04/06/2014 - Recent political and social developments in Morocco reveal the importance of the social dimension in the Government's policies. With the African Development Bank's support, the Government of Morocco has been engaged in large-scale social projects since 2005, including the Initiative for Human Development and the Regime d'Assistance Medicale (RAMED), a health insurance scheme for the most vulnerable. Categories: Morocco, Health, Human Capital Development 04/06/2014 - African Ministers of Labour and Employment launched the Joint Youth Employment Initiative during the 9th Ordinary Session of the AU Labour and Social Affairs Commission in Addis-Ababa in April 2013. Later that year, in September in Addis-Ababa, four partner organizations signed a Letter of Intent that commits technical and financial resources to launch the proposed activities in the framework of the initiative. Categories: Human Capital Development, Employment, Economic & Financial Governance, Private Sector 04/06/2014 - Ethiopia's economy enjoyed robust growth from 2004 to 2011, averaging 11.3% GDP growth per year. Initially led by agriculture, growth subsequently became more broad-based, with a rising contribution from the mining, services and manufacturing sectors. Categories: Ethiopia, Agriculture & Agro-industries, Economic & Financial Governance, Education, Human Capital Development, Health, Water Supply & Sanitation 04/06/2014 - Many African governments are facing increasing demands for health financing despite having fewer resources available and receiving dwindling donor financing. This disconnect compels governments to come up with innovative financing mechanisms to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Categories: Lesotho, Human Capital Development, Health, Private Sector, Partnerships 04/06/2014 - Sub-Saharan Africa saw unprecedented declines in child mortality over the past two decades. The under-five mortality rate in the region dropped from 177 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 98 per 1,000 in 2012. There has been an acceleration in the rate of child mortality decline during the MDG period; the pace of decline increased in 34 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa from 2000–2010 as compared to 1990–2000. Categories: Human Capital Development, Health, Youth 04/06/2014 - On July 4-5, 2012, the Harmonization for Health in Africa initiative organized a high-level dialogue among African Ministers of Finance and Health on Value for Money, Sustainability, and Accountability in the Health Sector, which was hosted by the African Development Bank in Tunis. Participants recognized that good health is key to sustainable economic and social development and that sustained development provides additional resources to improve the population's health. Categories: Tunisia, Health, Human Capital Development, Health in Africa Fund |