Sunday, June 15, 2014
Thanks to Mr. Aron Pesa Shayo. His legal intervention is the right
thing to do. This move will help with conflict resolution and the
law will surely take its rightful course.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Man takes Raila to court over remarks


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Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has been sued over remarks he made during a rally in Kisumu early this year, which the petitioner claims were likely to cause fear and alarm.

Mr Aron Pesa Shayo claims in his application before Kibera Senior Resident Magistrate Brian Khaemba, that he had attended a rally in Kisumu on January 17, when Mr Odinga made alarming statements directed at President Uhuru Kenyatta.

He claimed that during the meeting, which was also attended by other Cord leaders, he heard Mr Odinga claim that the last elections were a "military coup" and that "it had been planned".

Mr Shayo also alleges that Mr Odinga said several Cord leaders, who were at the Bomas of Kenya where the election results were being tallied last year, were pushed away despite being cabinet ministers at the time.

In the suit papers, he says Mr Odinga said the elections were rigged in Mr Kenyatta's favour in order to shield him against the ICC, and that the Supreme Court judges were coerced into ruling against Cord. The court certified the matter urgent and directed the petitioner, through his lawyer, to serve Mr Odinga with the court papers.

The case will be heard on June 27, 2014.

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