[wanabidii] New content updates

Friday, May 23, 2014

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:


23/05/2014 - On the third day of the Annual Meetings, panelists gathered for the "Special Economic Zone: Learning from Experience" session which looked at how African countries can adopt the Special Economic Zone philosophy to accelerate their economic growth.

Categories: Rwanda, Agriculture & Agro-industries, Economic & Financial Governance, Partnerships, Regional Integration

23/05/2014 - Rwanda, host of the 2014 Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), commemorated the 20th anniversary of the genocide which claimed a million lives, mainly people of the Tutsi ethnic group and moderate Hutus in one hundred days, in April 1994.

Categories: Rwanda, Economic & Financial Governance, Human Capital Development, Structural Transformation

23/05/2014 - A high-level panel comprised of former African leaders including Nigeria's Olusegun Obasanjo and South Africa's Thabo Mbeki has recommended the need for African countries to develop an early warning mechanism that will help them to prevent conflicts, during a session held late Tuesday at the ongoing Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank (AfDB) in Kigali.

Categories: Rwanda, Human Capital Development, Infrastructure, Poverty Reduction, Structural Transformation, Economic & Financial Governance


23/05/2014 - Le directeur général de Microsoft pour l'Afrique, Fernando de Sousa, a indiqué jeudi 22 mai à Kigali au Rwanda, l'importance de l'utilisation des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) pour créer la richesse et l'emploi, notamment en faveur des jeunes. C'était lors d'une interview accordée en marge des Assemblées annuelles 2014 de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD).

Categories: Rwanda, Information & Communication Technology, Health, Education, Agriculture & Agro-industries, Human Capital Development, Employment

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