[wanabidii] New content updates

Friday, April 04, 2014

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:

Press Releases

04/04/2014 - A joint commitment under the theme of "Investing in People, Prosperity and Peace" was at the centre of the African and European leaders meeting in Brussels yesterday and today.

Categories: Belgium, Fragile States Facility, Private Sector, Energy & Power, Partnerships


04/04/2014 - A joint commitment under the theme of "Investing in People, Prosperity and Peace" was at the centre of the African and European leaders meeting in Brussels yesterday and today.

Categories: Belgium, Fragile States Facility, Private Sector, Energy & Power, Partnerships

General procurement notices

Expressions of interest


Date Title:

Egypt - Rehabilitation-Replacement of Major Hydraulic Structures on the Nile - Project Procurement Plan (119 kB)


Egypt - Gabel Elasfar Wastewater Treatment Plant -Stage II Phase II - Project Procurement Plan (44 kB)


Egypt - Consulting Services for Public Private Partnership (PPP) of Helwan Wastewater Treatment Plant Project - Project Procurement Plan (119 kB)


Uganda - Improvement of Health Services at Mulago Hospital and the City of Kampala Project - Purchase of Medical Equipment and Furniture for Mulago National Referral Hospital - IFB (155 kB)


Uganda - Improvement of Health Services at Mulago Hospital and the City of Kampala Project - Purchase of 10 ambulances for Mulago National Referral Hospital in the City of Kampala - IFB (95 kB)


Mozambique - Baixo Limpopo Irrigation Scheme Public Enterprise (Regadio do Baixo Limpopo EP) - Construction of the Magule Irrigation Block - IFB (72 kB)


East African Development Bank - institutional capacity building - GPN (124 kB)


Comores - Projet de Renforcement des Capacités Institutionnelles (PRCI – Comores) - la fourniture et l'installation de câblage informatique pour les structures de la Chaîne de la Dépense Publique - AOI (145 kB)


Cameroun-Congo - Projet d'aménagement de la route Ketta-Djoum et de facilitation du transport sur le corridor Brazzaville – Yaoundé - EOI (435 kB)


Burundi - Projet de Renforcement des Capacités institutionnelles d'Amélioration de la Gestion des Finances Publiques - consultance pour l'élaboration d'un guide du vérificateur pour la Cour des Comptes - EOI (178 kB)


Angola - Fisheries Sector Support Project - GPN (69 kB)

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