[wanabidii] Ebrief; Call for Proposals;Capacity Development Research Grants

Friday, February 21, 2014





Call for Proposals

Capacity Development Research Grants












REPOA is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the year 2014.


REPOA research grants aim to develop a vibrant community of beginning and intermediate researchers capable of undertaking research that is credible and relevant to development challenges, with special attention to policy development issues that stakeholders can find useful in socioeconomic transformation for inclusive growth and poverty reduction initiatives. Support is provided to short term studies (up to one year) in areas that are relevant to REPOA's overall research agenda.


Focus Fields:

Research proposals are invited on any one of the following themes relating to socioeconomic transformation for growth and poverty reduction within REPOA's broad   research agenda:


1.      Growth and Development

The key areas envisaged under this theme are four fold:

i)        Structural change and dynamics of growth, focusing on understanding the dynamics of new patterns of economic structure, new sources of dynamism, potential drivers of productivity and competitiveness, and how these relate to income poverty reduction.


ii)      Agricultural and rural transformation, seeking to explore what agricultural and rural transformation is feasible and appropriate under the existing circumstances in Tanzania.


iii)    Natural resource and economic development, seeking to address the challenges of harnessing the resources to realize socioeconomic transformation.


iv)    Employment and labour market, seeking to understand the linkages and constraints between growth, employment and poverty reduction, both in the formal and in the informal sectors.


2.      Social Protection

Two key areas of focus under this theme:

i)        Looking at processes which cause informality become more attractive and formal sector less attractive,  thus turning the informal sector into an instrument for preserving and creating poor- quality job firms and micro enterprises, with adverse consequences on productivity growth and socioeconomic security.


ii)      Looking at differentiated access to quality education in terms of social exclusion from education and/or skill acquisition.


3.      Governance

Two key areas of focus under this theme:

i)        Local Government (LG) reforms and ease of doing business: examination of changes in ease of doing business at the sub-national levels and how the LG reforms have/ are contributing to improvement of doing business conditions. Others may examine the extent to which design of LG reforms have included business environment issues as a key component for fostering development.


ii)      CSO participation in the Audit Process: study will attempt to fill the gap of documented evidence about CSO engagement and contribution in the Audit Process by mapping out and documenting CSO engagement in the Audit Process in Tanzania (where they are; what they do in relation to oversight of public resources; how they use the audit findings, and contribute to the audit process, how and with whom they engage on public such issues etc.)


            Gender, Technology and Environment are cross-cutting issues in all three themes above.



Please visit REPOA's website for more information on eligibility, guidelines and the process.



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P.O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania • 157 Mgombani Street, Regent Estate
Tel: +255 (0) (22) 2700083 / 0784 555 655 • Fax: 255 (0) (22) 2775738
Email: repoa@repoa.or.tz






























Hannah Mwandoloma                                                                                                            

Communications Officer



REPOA, undertakes and facilitates research, conducts and coordinates training, and promotes dialogue and development of policy for pro-poor growth and poverty reduction.

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