1. Team Leader (TL), Adaption to Climate Change Advisor, fulfilling the following criteria:
- At least 5 years of experience in climate change adaption projects
- Experience in developing national climate change policies and strategies as well as action plans
- Proven experience in policy dialogue and working with ministries on national level
- Familiar with EU procedures, especially EDF
- Regional working experience in Southern Africa
- At least 2 assignments as TL in other projects
- Fluent in English
2. Key expert 2 as Energy Policy Advisor:
- At least 5 years of experience in developing energy sector strategies with regard to climate change adaption
- Experience in developing national renewable energy policies and strategies as well as action plans
- Familiar with EU procedures, especially EDF
- Regional working experience in Southern Africa
- Fluent in EnglishUnapokea Email hizi kwa sababu umejiunga na Jukwaa la 'Mabadiliko'.
Kuchangia mada tuma kwenye Email hii: mabadilikotanzania@googlegroups.com
MUHIMU KWA WANACHAMA WOTE: Jukwaa hili litafungwa hivi karibuni hivyo hii ni taarifa ya Mwisho kwako kuhakikisha unajisajili www.mabadiliko.com
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