[Mabadiliko] fSIAC for Tanzania - Jan 2014

Monday, December 16, 2013
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Due to the success of the recent eSIAC course, we are pleased to announce a series of face-to-face workshops: fSIAC.

These workshops will act as a follow-up to eSAIC, and we are opening applications to all Tanzanian participants from eSIAC.

The workshops will be held at Sokoine University, Morogoro, from Monday 13 January till Friday 24 January. There are a total of 3 workshops. The final workshop is by invitation only, so please only submit applications for the first two.

Full details of these workshops can be found in the attachment: "fSIAC Tanzania – Jan 2014.pdf"


To apply for one or both of the main workshops, please complete the attached application form and send it to all of the addresses below:

CCIAM cciam.tanzania@gmail.com

John Gathenya j.m.gathenya@reading.ac.uk

Prof Maliondo maliondo@suanet.ac.tz

Suzana Augustino snyefwe@suanet.ac.tz

Isack Yonah isack.yonak@meteo.go.tz


The initial deadline is December 21, 2013. We realise this is close, but please try to be prompt in returning your application. We cannot guarantee applications after this date will be considered.

All costs are covered for any successful Tanzanian applicant.

If you have any queries regarding the workshop, or application, please contact John Gathenya – j.m.gathenya@reading.ac.uk.


Kind regards,

Dave Mills

Dave Mills

IT Support and Multimedia Development

Statistical Services Centre

University of Reading

Room 120, Harry Pitt Building



Email: d.e.mills@reading.ac.uk

Skype: dave_in_conversation

Phone: +44(0)118 378 8024


The Statistical Services Centre will be closed between Monday 23rd December 2013 and Wednesday 1st January 2014, reopening on Thursday, the 2nd.

On behalf of everyone at the SSC, we wish you a happy holiday and New Year.


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