[Mabadiliko] Man cuts Nephew to get Job Promotion

Friday, November 01, 2013

This is what we would call ubinafsi na uroho, total selfishness too. To harm your nephew in order to get a promotion !!!  Any witch doctor who advises this is a fake. A true witch doctor would never advise you to harm your family; he would advise you to probably deal with your enemy.

Whatever happened to the old ways of doing things? back then, you went to Tanga, the witch doctor there made some deep cuts on your shoulder or face or stomach and smeared in a mixture of ground salt, pepper and ash. Then you paid 500/- and went on your way, happy and contented that all your problems had been dealt with !!!!  Those good old days !!!!


BIZARRE: Uncle CUTS nephew's body to get PROMOTION in Mombasa

The Kenyan DAILY POST 14:35

Thursday 31st October 2013 - An uncle to a 17 year old boy escaped death narrowly after he was rescued by police from an angry mob which wanted to lynch him in Makande Estate in Mombasa.

The middle aged man was accused of trapping his nephew into witchcraft in order to get a promotion at work. The uncle works at the Kenya Ports Authority and it is during December that many employees seek promotions by hook and crook.

The uncle was no exception. He wanted the promotion so badly and used the nephew.
According to the nephew, his whole body is in pain. At night, unknown and unseen people attack him, cause total darkness and cut his body before fleeing.

He said that the incident has occurred more than seven times in a span of six months. His back and belly is full of cuts and bruises as a result. Police had to intervene and rescue the man from an angry mob which wanted to lynch him.

The suspect is being held at the Makupa Police Station waiting to appear in court.



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