[Mabadiliko] An Honest Taxi Driver

Monday, November 04, 2013
Can any taxi driver anywhere in Africa ever do this? A customer forgets money in the taxi and he actually returns it? In the hundreds of thousands of dollars?
This is a miracle by itself.


Honest cab driver in Germany returns $352,000 to elderly passengers

By | Good News – Fri, 1 Nov, 2013

On Sunday afternoon, Thomas Güntner, a taxi driver in Würzburg, Bavaria, spotted a cloth bag on the back seat of his car shortly after he dropped off an elderly couple at their home.

Inside it, he found €250,000 ($352,000 Cdn.) in cash.

"I was totally perplexed and surprised, that people could carry around so much cash and then forget it," Güntner told The Local on Tuesday.

Realizing that losing the money "would probably be the downfall of the old couple," he immediately returned to the couple's home with the bag of cash.

The woman met him at the door, tears in her eyes.

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"She was as white as a sheet and told me that I saved her life," Güntner said.

Güntner refused a reward for his good deed, and only accepted the cost of the fare to their house, about $17, as payment.

Güntner isn't the only honest cabbie to make headlines for doing the right thing.

Last October, a Las Vegas cab driver turned in $221,510 left in the back of his taxi.

In November 2012, an honest Singapore cabbie returned almost $1 million in cash left in the back of his vehicle.

And a few weeks later, a Vienna bus driver turned in almost $500,000 left on his bus.

There are good people out there. That said, hold onto your cash, folks.

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