[Mabadiliko] Invitation to attend Evidence Based Practice Workshop - MUHAS (4-6 Nov 2013)

Friday, September 13, 2013
EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE AND CRITICAL APPRAISAL LEARNING OPPORTUNITY,  MUHAS, TANZANIA (4-6 NOVEMBER 2013)    WORKSHOP VENUE  The venue of the workshop is Muhimbili University of Health and Allied  Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.      DATE: 4-6 NOVEMBER 2013    ORGANIZED BY: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)  in Tanzania and Information, Training and Outreach Center for Africa  (ITOCA) in South Africa    FUNDED BY Elsevier Foundation

MODE OF DELIVERY:The workshop will comprise lectures delivered in a classroom setting (both face to face and via video conference facility), hands-on exercises, group work and individual practical work on the following:

COURSE CONTENT AND STRUCTURE The workshop will be conducted over three days (4-6 NOVEMBER 2013) in the following themes:. • Introduction: what is evidence-based healthcare, and why is it important? • ASK: the importance of research questions in evidence-based healthcare • Behind the numbers: understanding healthcare statistics; science, speed and the search for best evidence • Making sense of results – qualitative and quantitative research • ACQUIRE: searching for healthcare information • Turning evidence into practice • Critical appraisal of RCTs, Systematic reviews and articles • Information Self Service and selected Web 2.0 tools PARTICIPATION The course is open to researchers, lecturers, library and information professionals, health care professionals, and graduate students from institutions involved in medical and health sciences in Tanzania. Specifically, participants are expected to come from relevant government ministries, Non-Governmental Organizations, universities and faculties of medical and health sciences in Tanzania. The language of instruction is English. No basic computer and internet modules will be covered during the workshop. FUNDING AND FINANCE This course is supported and funded by Elsevier Foundation. The sponsorship for successful applicants will cover the cost of registration, refreshments and lunches for each participant. A small allowance to cover the accommodation costs shall be given to participants from outside Dar es salaam. Only twenty (20) participants will be invited to attend the Workshop. Therefore we would appreciate if you respond quickly as the available slots will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis.

An application form is included in this announcement below. Completed application forms with signed authorization should reach the Workshop Coordinator by 25th October, 2013. ORGANIZERS - Julius Magessa, Tel: 0784262888, Email: magessaj@yahoo.com. Also copy to: Kesia Rad - 0752044896, Email: kesiarad@yahoo.com, and library@muhas.ac.tz.

with kind regards
Tandi E. Lwoga (PhD),
Directorate of Library Services,
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, 
Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Alternative email: tlwoga@muhas.ac.tz

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