[wanabidii] THE "RICH MAN'S" GOSPEL

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Dear all,

"To another the working of miracles: to another PROPHECY:..." (I Cor. 12:10)
PROPHETIC MESSAGES, words of wisdom, knowledge and understanding given by the Spirit of God. THE WORDS OF THE SPIRIT are given just as we have received them. We offer no explanations, apologies or interpretations, nor do we compel you, the reader, to agree or disagree. We have not changed them, adulterated them or doctored them up. THE WORDS OF THE SPIRIT come to you just as they have come to us. These words are guaranteed to kill the flesh, heal the wounds and fill the spirit man with joy. Taken from our international radio programs as well as given to our community on a daily basis, they are printed and given out freely.
MESSAGE 4939, -- SPOKEN Feb. 6, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say that I the Living God never ever intended that men would be preaching the rich man's gospel. Yet I say, in this wicked, perverse, and vile generation so many greedy dogs are doing the same. That is, they are using my name in vain, they preaching the rich man's gospel. That is, they are declaring that men are meant to be prosperous, rich, and over abundant in this life. That is, they are leading men right into decadence, by the pursuit of deceitful riches and the shame that accompanies the same.
I say that I the Living God never preached the rich man's gospel, nor did I teach my disciples to do the same. But I say that I declared that I the Living God had come to give the truth, the light, the strength unto all who would come unto me. That is, I never intended that men would set up in covetous greed and lust, in over consumption of the things of this world. Yet I say you see because of the greed, the lust of men's hearts they are preaching, they are teaching, they are declaring the rich man's gospel.
I say this day if you consider what happened to the rich man, in the parable of him and Lazarus, I say that it is the rich man who lost his soul. I say that the beggar who was full of sores, who laid at the mercy of the rich man, was given entrance into the Kingdom. That is, the everlasting Kingdom that is in me.
Now stop and consider that I the Living God had regard for the poor, for the needy, for the lowly, and I say the rich man missed it all. That is, because his assurance was his riches, and that was his right or so he thought to attain. But I say for all of his greedy grasping, and all of his accumulation, I say that he lost his soul. I say that I gave that example, I gave that declaration that men would pay heed unto the same.
I say that I the Living God never came forth declaring that the gospel is for those who desire, and acquire riches no not at all. Yet I say in this wicked generation I would ask thee how many of the greedy dogs are reaching out unto the poor, the helpless, the lowly, those who are truly needy of me? I say how many are reaching to the ones who would be broken in heart and contrite of spirit and truly seek my face? I say they have abandoned the poor, they have gone for the rich, and they love it so. I say they love it because it is means more gain for them, in their pomposity, their pride, and their religiosity, as they pursue the course of riches.
I say they are not interested to see men truly redeemed, for they themselves are not redeemed. I say they are not truly interested to see men converted to me, for they themselves are not converted. I say they are full of pride and arrogance, and vain conceit, and I say they are ever lusting for more. I say that it is because they have chosen the way of the wayward, the way of fools, and I say they are loving it so. I say this day that I the Living God am indeed bringing forth my wrath upon such liars, deceivers, and men who are full of greed for the things of this world.
I say they have twisted, perverted, and altered my word, in order to gain what it is that they desire in this life. I say they are so greedy for gain, so greedy for accumulation, so greedy for all that they desire, I say they are a shame before me. I say that it is because they have gone in the way of careless and wayward fools.
I say this day that I the Living God never called thee to be a fool, to be ever greedily grasping for things of this world. I say that the things of this world, shall pass away, but I say that I desire that my people would long for and seek to gain that which is of my Kingdom. For I say that is the treasure that remains, that is the treasure that is true, and it is indeed the treasure that I have intended for my own people.
Therefore I say in a wicked, a vile, a perverse generation, consider that I the Living God do offer to men the way of my life. I say that I desire that they would be accepting and receiving of the same, because they are hungering and thirsting for me. I say this day that I the Living God do offer and give unto the ones who will pay heed unto me, the way of righteousness and truth, the way of mercy and strength, and the way of hope intended. I say if you will be accepting of the way that I offer, the way that I provide, you will be uplifted, brought forth, and guided by me. I say that you will be given the abundance of blessedness that I alone can bring, that I alone do provide.
I say that it is because it is me the Living God who is the way of truth and life, hope and peace provided. I say in a greedily grasping generation, that is headed to hell, what is that men are bringing forth? I say they are bringing forth their own destruction, they are bringing forth their own despair, and yet I say they are loving it so. I say that it is because they have chosen to turn aside, to walk afar off from me. I say that it is because they have chosen to go in the way of greed and lust, and pursuit of the same.
I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to the pursuit of deceitful riches, but I say that I call thee to walk uprightly in me. I say that it is true, in this generation that I am bringing forth my wrath, my fury revealed. I say that I am bringing forth that which will cause men to crumble, cause men to humble and be brought low. But I say the sad thing is, under my wrath, I say that the greedy graspers will continue to declare the doctrine of greed.
I say they will continue to preach the rich man's gospel till I the Living God bring them down. I say that it is because they themselves are so consumed of greed and lust for the things of this world, they can never be satisfied. But I say they are ever going in the way that is wickedness, that is evil, and I say they are loving it so.
But I say that I the Living God do not call thee to grasp greedily after that which makes itself wings, that which is full of lies, and will damn your soul. But I say that I call thee to walk humbly before me, to be finding your satisfaction in me. I say that it is me the Living God and me alone that men are meant to seek to please, to obey, and follow after. I say in a time when men are so busy pursuing the deceitful riches, I say what do they gain from the same?
I say they gain many troubles, for those are increased who desire their riches as their riches increase. I say they are ever in a defensive mode whereby they are defending their riches against the thieves, the liars who are just as they are. I say that their riches are gained through deceit, and the deceivers who are ever ready to take the same, from them are many. I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live in a mind set whereby you can only think of what you can gain.
But I say that I call thee to live in the mind set, to be ever faithful, to give as I the Living God would ordain that is the revelation that you are indeed given by me. That is, not looking at things as though they were your own in the sense that you must have more. But ever looking to perceive what it is that you receive comes of me.
I say this day be thankful that I the Living God do give to thee the way that is truth and light, the way that is mercy and hope, and the way that is peace provided. I say if you will be coming forth in the way that I give, the way that I provide, you will be made glad ever thankful in me. I say that I the Living God will give to a man such as he has need of, to secure his way in this life. But I say when a man is ever greedily lusting for more, I say he causes his own sorrows.
I say learn to abide satisfied in what it is that I give thee, lest you incur the wrath that I am pouring forth in this wicked generation. I say that it is me the Living God who is bringing down the proud, the haughty, the high minded who are afar off from me. It is me the Living God who is leveling all of the fools who are high minded, esteeming that through their gain they have it all together. I say that it is me the Living God who is leveling their great gain to a heap of rubble, to rubbish before their eyes.
I say it is me the Living God who is indeed humbling the poor in a wicked generation, when even the poor have grown haughty in their contempt towards me. That is, I am bringing down even the rich poor, that is the ones who construe that they are poor, while they likewise are greedy for gain. I say you are living in a twisted, a perverted, a vile generation when many who are labeled as poor, are rich because they get their gain for nothing. That is, they are ever giving a sad story, a fabricated tale, and accumulating great fat and riches unto themselves.
I say these ones likewise will be brought down for it is me the Living God who will cause it to be so. I say that the rich and the greedy poor together, will find themselves groveling because they are estranged from me. That is, because both have pursued the riches, the fat, the increase, that is found in this life, that gives them nothing at all in eternity when they stand before me.
Now stop and consider, that the poor have grown rich off of lies, and the rich have increased their riches off of lies. I say both are judged as evil before me, because they have pursued a course that I never ordained. I say that the worst of all, is the greedy dogs who have preached the rich man's gospel. They cause the rich to only increase all the more in the condemnation of their riches, and likewise they cause the poor to be greedily grasping for gain that they can be rich.
So I say when you see all of it together, what is it but abomination before me. Because I say that it is built on pride, it is built on greed, and it is built on lust. I say all the while men think they have arrived, they strut and boast themselves in their accumulation. But I say that the same is nothing, but vanity before me. I say that I the Living God never called men, to live in the pursuit of the riches that make themselves wings. I say that it is me the Living God who will indeed humble in this wicked generation all who are proud. That is, proud of what it is they think they have gained, in all of the conniving and scheming, that they have done to accumulate riches.
I say this day that I the Living God will give grace, I will give mercy, unto the ones who will humble themselves before me. I say in the time that I am bringing forth my wrath, it is only a fool who will live in violation of me, who will live in the pursuit of his greed, his lust, his ambition, his desire, while he knows he is meant to be serving me.
I say there are many in this wicked generation they know that they are meant to be serving me, and yet they do not. I say they are serving the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, and I say they are loving it so. Now stop and consider, that I the Living God have intended that you would walk uprightly, I say that I have intended that you would be subject unto me, and come forth in my way. I say that I have intended that you would be thankful, that it is me you are privileged to look unto and believe. I say you are not meant to be going in the way of fools, you are not meant to be walking in a way that will only cause you sore distress.
But I say you are meant to be coming forth, made glad that it is me, you are privileged to love, to serve, and obey. I say this day consider that I the Living God never ever intended the gospel would be merely for the rich, and the poor who desire to be rich. Yet I say the violent perverters have turned it into such a thing, that it is only for gain.
But I say that I the Living God, am restoring my truth once again through the vindication of my wrath, my fury revealed, that is as I pour forth my wrath upon men, that others can look upon the same, and see that they have gone the wrong way. Likewise, correct their own behaviors that they can be receiving the truth and the light, and walking in the same.
I say this day that those who will be declaring the true gospel will be declaring repentance, repentance, repentance that is, turning from sin. I say that the ones who will pay heed unto the same, rather than adhering to the rich man's gospel, will be brought forth in me. That is, the truly repentant who are willing to be subject unto me, and walk in my way, will find my truth revealed. But I say the liars, the lusters, the ones who are desirous of greedy gain, will find themselves under my wrath for the same shall be revealed and visited upon them. I say give thanks and praise.

Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!
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