[wanabidii] We are ready to move on to the next stage

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

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2 July 2013

Dear friends and supporters of Gaza's Ark,

Thank you very much to the generous donors who have covered the cost of applying fiberglass to Gaza's Ark. Now, thanks to the workers, this has been completed – see some recent photos (http://www.gazaark.org/category/ark-photo-album/).

We are ready to move on to the next stage.

Reinforcing the hull will cost $15,000 ($12,200 for the supplies for steelwork, ribs, longitudinal, deck - and $2,800 for the labour). Can you contribute?

here (http://www.gazaark.org/support-us/help-refurbish-gazas-ark/) to see how to donate to this next stage of refurbishing Gaza's Ark and for more details of other major items needed in the coming weeks.

Every $20 donated pays for one hour of work for a Palestinian who would otherwise be unemployed. $160 pays for a day's work, and $800 pays for a full week of work, which results in a significant difference for a Palestinian worker's family, many of whom are below the poverty line. One such worker is
Sami (http://www.gazaark.org/2013/07/02/meet-the-workers-profile-sami-ali-al-goga/).

Please click
here (http://www.gazaark.org/2013/01/15/buy-a-symbolic-share-of-gazas-ark-a-share-in-hope/) to view and buy symbolic 'shares in hope' of Gaza's Ark.

You can also make a general donation to the project
here (http://www.gazaark.org/donate/).

Whether or not you can help financially at this time, please share news of Gaza's Ark and this message with your friends and contacts.

Thank you for supporting Gaza's Ark - Building Hope!

In solidarity,

Gaza's Ark Steering Committee


Follow us: @GazaArk

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