[Mabadiliko] English Pronunciation

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Guys and Gals,

I'm back yet again with another word I heard being mispronounced. But don't get me wrong now. I'm not expecting us to speak English like the English themselves. I just point out the mispronunciations that I consider to be "sins", the really horrible ones.

If someone says Mologolo instead of Morogoro, I wouldn't complain about that because that is something influenced by the person's tribal vernacular/language.

This time, a TV reporter on Kenya's KTN was murdering the word "AMAZING"

She said: E-me-zing'            (I'm using Kiswahili as the base here)

The correct way is:  A-ME-ZING'

Why do these people sometimes want to sound more English than the English themselves?  Mtume !!!!!


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