Friends, There was a clash between some Kenyans today; Do we really need this? Are our leaders working for a Peaceful and Clean General Elections? Do they care about us the way we care about them?
Do we want to leave as One People under God? What is it that we really want as a people? And after all the violence and the killings, whom do these leaders want to lead?
These and many more questions are coming to mind as we move closer to the General Elections. The problem is, we seem not to care because, after all, Tana Delta is so far; Mathare is so far; Ngara is so far; Kibera is so far.
But the moment it touches on you, that is the time you will start realizing that working for a Peaceful Campaign and a Peaceful General Election must be our responsibility; all of us. In 2008, official records placed 1,133 Kenyans as having been killed in the Post Election Violence. It also said that about 600,000 people- men, women and children were displaced. Amongst these, several women were raped and abused. Then, property worth Millions of shilling was destroyed; all because we were fighting for power. We must come together as a People, and I am happy SUPKEM have reached out to us, and they will be part of the Mathare Human Peace Caravan. We want all the Peace Actors to step forward and let us make this very LOUD, that we all want a Peaceful and Clean Elections come 4th March 2013. Any ONE single life lost is that of a Kenyan; he could be your Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Friend, or a Relative. One way or another, He remains a Kenyan. The bottom line is, we must NOT kill and destroy property just because we are competing for power.
Let us all work for a Clean Kenya, a Clean Africa and a Clean General Election as a Transformative Deliverable as we turn 50 in Kenya. Odhiambo T Oketch, Executive Director, The Clean Kenya Campaign- TCKC The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative of KCDN Kenya |