[wanabidii] Reminder: The Deadline is tomorrow

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
For those interested in industrial development and privatization in Tanzania, you may wish to attend this (it is fully funded) - apply:
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To: Chambi Chachage <chambi78@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 2:01 AM
Subject: Fw: WIDER Angle December 2012

You might be interested to attend the conference as a PhD student. Wider will pay for your accomodation and travel expenses. 
"...In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends..." , "All good thoughts that are not brought into action are either treachery or abortion"
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From: "dissemination@wider.unu.edu" <dissemination@wider.unu.edu>
To: mutalemwad@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 6:14 PM
Subject: WIDER Angle December 2012

WIDER Angle    

News & Highlights


Call for Papers:
Conference on Learning to Compete: Industrial Development and Policy in Africa

24-25 June 2013, Helsinki, Finland

Submit application for call for papers, the call is open until 31 January 2013. 

Small Hr

ReCom - Research and Communication on Foreign Aid: New web site on Research and Communication Launched


Watch video: WIDER Annual Lecture 16—Folk and the Formula—Pathways to Capable States, by Professor Lant Pritchett

27 September 2012, Helsinki, Finland


ReCom Results meeting: Jobs—Aid at Work was held 8 October 2012 in  Copenhagen, Denmark
Video of the event, contributors bios and papers, programme and much more info still available at www.wider.unu.edu/recomjobs.

Small Hr

 VIDEOS: Conference on Climate Change and Development Policy

28—29 September 2012, Helsinki, Finland 
Small Hr

Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries

Edited by Augustin K. Fosu
Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries
Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries
What lessons can be learnt from 'developed' countries that might be useful for developing and emerging economies? With an emphasis on long-term growth and development, this book provides historical accounts of the development strategies of a select set of advanced countries. Each case study typically presents the country's 'successes' and the root causes of those successes. Organized into three parts, it covers four of the Nordics (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), other industrially advanced countries (Japan, Ireland, and Switzerland), and transition economies (Czech, Hungary, and Poland). Although the book stresses that development strategies are, by and large, country and context-specific, the historical accounts are full of recurrent themes, which should provide useful lessons for developing countries and emerging economies. 


Editorial by Nordic Africa Institute on Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries
Small Hr

Publications search

Small Hr


All UNU-WIDER books published by Oxford University Press are currently available to WIDERAngle readers at an exclusive 20% discount by clicking here

(offer applied in shopping basket). For more information about this offer, please contact economics.uk@oup.com
  Small Hr

Follow us


Follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/UNUWIDERUNU-WIDER channel on You Tube   

 Small Hr

External Announcements

The Association for the Advancement of African Women Economists (AAAWE) website is now live www.aaawe.org 

Small Hr

Infrastructure and Growth -  DFID Growth Research News December 2012



From the Editor's Desk

Tony Addison
This year has rushed by at speed. For UNU-WIDER it's been a year of big successes. We will have published some 110 working papers by the end of December, up from 96 in 2011 (go here for the latest list). Recent working papers cover the topics of intergenerational mobility in India, food price policy in Zambia, training and enterprise development, vulnerability in the Latin American middle class, aid and investment in statistics in Africa and many more. Full article
Season's Greetings from the Director and Staff of UNU-WIDER. Working on research and communication for the development, and poverty reduction. © Tuuli Levit 

Gender Mainstreaming in Nordic Development Agencies: Seventeen Years after the Beijing Conference

Malokele Nanivazo and Lucy Scott
In the last 50 years there has been a growing awareness and consensus on the intrinsic significance of gender equality in a just and well-working society. Gender equality is foremost a human right—it matters in its own right. It is unethical to discriminate against a large portion of the population based on social, behavioural, or cultural attributes. This creates a culture of subordination and perpetuates social norms, which constrain women enjoyment of their human rights. Moreover, gender equality is a critical channel for achieving others social, political, and economic goals. Full article 



What's in a Name? Human Rights, Human Development, and Human Dignity

David Richards
As we get ready to welcome the year 2013, the 2015 'finishing line' for the Millennium Development Goals looms visibly on the calendar. In preparation, the UN some time ago began an involved process intended to set the 'post-2015 UN Development Agenda'. One of the many aspects of this process is that it begs the classic question: what's in a name? Plenty, it turns out.
Full article 



Gender and Transitional Justice

How can gender be better taken into account in the transitional justice processes?
In the recent uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, women were at the forefront of the protests. However, once the struggle was over, women were generally expected to return to their normal roles. Very few were present at the negotiations about new political orders, and it now seems likely that women will make few gains under the new regimes. In the WIDER Working Paper 'Transitional Justice and Aid' Sirkku Hellsten discusses the various dimensions of transitional justice arguing that due to the unique experience of women, both during conflict and in the period of reconciliation, gender issues need to be given special emphasis during the transitional process. Full article

Aid Volatility Across Sectors

John Hudson argues that when looking at volatility the devil lies in the (sector level) detail.
A key pledge of the Paris Deceleration of 2005 was that aid flows would be made more predictable. This is a key goal as aid shortfalls can cause a government to disproportionately cut their investments, while sudden spikes in aid can lead to a dramatic boost in government consumption. The majority of the work done on the issue of aid volatility focuses on the effect these reactions to variation in total levels of aid has had on key macro variables such as growth and government expenditure. In the WIDER Working Paper 'Consequences of Aid Volatility for Macroeconomic Management and Aid Effectiveness' John Hudson gives a more detailed analysis of the issue by focusing on the impact of the aid volatility of different aid sectors, and on the effect such volatility has on specific targets such as healthcare and education. Full article 



Foreign aid and democracy in Africa - an interview with Danielle Resnick

This month we talk to Danielle Resnick discusses the logic behind and findings of the UNU-WIDER research project 'Foreign aid and democracy in Africa'. In this interview we hear what the sometimes very different and contradictory effects of development aid and democracy assistance are on democratic transitions, and what lies behind these outcomes. We also learn what impact the different aid modalities of development aid and democracy assistance, for example budget support or projects aiming at parliamentary strenghtening, have on democratic consolidation. Go to video


Online application submission form is open until 31 January 2013.



Project meeting: Growth and Poverty Project (GAPP). Second authors' meeting. Helsinki, Finland 28 January 2013
UNU-WIDER Conference on Learning to Compete: Industrial Development and Policy in Africa.
Helsinki, Finland 24 June 2013 


UNU-WIDER Seminar: Global Crisis and the Impact on Emerging Economies by Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for Development Economics of the World Bank. Held in Helsinki, Finland 26 November 2012
Lecture: Trade and Gender Inequality. Jyväskylä, Finland
26 November 2012
Workshop: Report launch of 'Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a Small and Medium Enterprise Survey in 2011'.
Hanoi, Vietnam 21 November 2012
Workshop: Relationship between Development Policy and Research 19 November 2012
Lecture: Food Security and Global Environmental Change, by Aziz Karimov. Jyväskylä, Finland 15 November 2012
Workshop: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland/UNU-WIDER Workshop on The New Global Development Agenda
12 November 2012
Presentation: Does Foreign Aid Help, by Finn Tarp. Copenhagen, Denmark 3 November 2012
Presentation: Aid, Growth and Development, by Finn Tarp. Copenhagen, Denmark 2 November 2012 


Journal: Review of Development Economics Special Issue: Climate Change and Economic Development
Guest Editors: Channing Arndt, Paul Chinowsky, Ken Strzepek, Finn Tarp, and James Thurlow
Book: The Role of Elites in Economic Development
Edited by the late Alice H. Amsden, Alisa DiCaprio, and James A. Robinson
Article: The Political Economy of Green Growth: Cases from Southern Africa 
Danielle Resnick, Finn Tarp, James Thurlow

WIDER Working Papers 2012 

Aid Distribution and Co-operation in Unequal Communities
Ben D'Exelle, and Marrit van den Berg WP/111
Do People in Income Poverty Use Their Income Efficiently?: A subjective well-being approach
Mariano Rojas WP/110
Economic Governance: Improving the economic and regulatory environment for supporting private sector activity
Colin Kirkpatrick WP/108
Development Aid and Employment
Rolph van der Hoeven WP/107
Predicting Violence within Genocides: Meso-level evidence from Rwanda
Omar Shahabudin McDoom WP/106
Infrastructure and Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptations for South Africa
Paul S. Chinowsky; Amy E. Schweikert; Niko L. Strzepek; Kenneth R. Strzepek; and Kyle P. Kwiatkowski WP/105
It's All About MeE: Using Structured Experiential Learning ('e') to Crawl the Design Space
Lant Pritchett, Salimah Samji and Jeffrey Hammer WP/104
International Organizations in Development and Global Inequality: The example of the World Bank's pension policy
Martin Koch WP/103
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in South Africa
Johann F. Kirsten WP/102
How Close Does the Apple Fall to the Tree? Some Evidence on Intergenerational Occupational Mobility from India
Sripad Motiram and Ashish SinghWP/101
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy: The Case of Zambia
Antony Chapoto WP/100
The Role of Training in Fostering Cluster-Based Micro and Small Enterprises Development
Tetsushi Sonobe and Keijiro Otsuka WP/099
Stability and Vulnerability of the Latin American Middle Class
Florencia Torche and Luis F. Lopez-Calv WP/098
Political Clientelism and Capture: Theory and Evidence from West Bengal, India
Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee WP/097
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Egypt
Ahmed Farouk Ghoneim WP/096
The Impact of the 2007–08 Food Price Crisis in a Major Commodity Exporter: Food Prices, Inflation, and Inclusion in Brazil
Bernardo Mueller and Charles Mueller WP/095
Is Small Beautiful? Small Enterprise, Aid and Employment in Africa
John Page and Måns Söderbom WP/094
Aid and Investment in Statistics for Africa
Jeffery I. Round WP/093
Decentralized Service Delivery in Nairobi and Mombasa: Policies, politics and inter-governmental relations
Winnie V. Mitullah WP/092
Gender Mainstreaming in Nordic Development Agencies: Seventeen years after the Beijing Conference
Malokele Nanivazo and Lucy Scott WP/091
Civil Service Reform: A review
Sarah Repucci WP/090
Information on all UNU-WIDER publications is available on our website: http://www.wider.unu.edu/publications/ 
WIDERAngle newsletter
ISSN 1238-9544
Copyright © 1995-2012 UNU-WIDER All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer | Terms of Use
UNU-WIDER, Katajanokanlaituri 6 B , FI-00160 Helsinki, Finland 
Switchboard operates Monday-Friday 9:00-16:00 EET
Tel: +358-(0)9-6159911/ Fax: +358-(0)9-61599333

Email: wider(at)wider.unu.edu / firstname.lastname(at)wider.unu.edu
Contact us
Tony Addison is Chief Economist and Deputy Director of UNU-WIDER,
and the editor of WIDERAngle Newsletter.
Email: addison(at)wider.unu.edu


News & Highlights   


Call for Papers:   
Conference on Learning to Compete: Industrial Development and Policy in Africa   

24-25 June 2013, Helsinki, Finland   

Submit application for call for papers, the call is open until 31 January 2013.    




Watch video: WIDER Annual Lecture 16—Folk and the Formula—Pathways to Capable States, by Professor Lant Pritchett   

27 September 2012, Helsinki, Finland   


ReCom Results meeting: Jobs—Aid at Work was held 8 October 2012 in  Copenhagen, Denmark   
Video of the event, contributors bios and papers, programme and much more info still available at www.wider.unu.edu/recomjobs.   

Go directly to videos of the event.    


 VIDEOS: Conference on Climate Change and Development Policy   

28—29 September 2012, Helsinki, Finland    


Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries   

Edited by Augustin K. Fosu   

Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries   



  What lessons can be learnt from 'developed' countries that might be useful for developing and emerging economies? With an emphasis on long-term growth and development, this book provides historical accounts of the development strategies of a select set of advanced countries. Each case study typically presents the country's 'successes' and the root causes of those successes. Organized into three parts, it covers four of the Nordics (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), other industrially advanced countries (Japan, Ireland, and Switzerland), and transition economies (Czech, Hungary, and Poland). Although the book stresses that development strategies are, by and large, country and context-specific, the historical accounts are full of recurrent themes, which should provide useful lessons for developing countries and emerging economies.    


Editorial by Nordic Africa Institute onDevelopment Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries   



Publications search   

Please search our archive of publications.   

  All UNU-WIDER books published by Oxford University Press are currently available to WIDERAngle readers at an exclusive 20% discount by clicking here   

(offer applied in shopping basket). For more information about this offer, please contact economics.uk@oup.com   

  Follow us   




External Announcements   

The Association for the Advancement of African Women Economists (AAAWE) website is now live www.aaawe.org    

Infrastructure and Growth -  DFID Growth Research News December 2012   


DECEMBER 2012   


From the Editor's Desk   

Tony Addison   

This year has rushed by at speed. For UNU-WIDER it's been a year of big successes. We will have published some 110 working papers by the end of December, up from 96 in 2011 (go here for the latest list). Recent working papers cover the topics of intergenerational mobility in India, food price policy in Zambia, training and enterprise development, vulnerability in the Latin American middle class, aid and investment in statistics in Africa and many more. Full article   


Gender Mainstreaming in Nordic Development Agencies: Seventeen Years after the Beijing Conference   

Malokele Nanivazo and Lucy Scott   

In the last 50 years there has been a growing awareness and consensus on the intrinsic significance of gender equality in a just and well-working society. Gender equality is foremost a human right—it matters in its own right. It is unethical to discriminate against a large portion of the population based on social, behavioural, or cultural attributes. This creates a culture of subordination and perpetuates social norms, which constrain women enjoyment of their human rights. Moreover, gender equality is a critical channel for achieving others social, political, and economic goals. Full article    



What's in a Name? Human Rights, Human Development, and Human Dignity   

David Richards   

As we get ready to welcome the year 2013, the 2015 'finishing line' for the Millennium Development Goals looms visibly on the calendar. In preparation, the UN some time ago began an involved process intended to set the 'post-2015 UN Development Agenda'. One of the many aspects of this process is that it begs the classic question: what's in a name? Plenty, it turns out.   
Full article    



Gender and Transitional Justice   

How can gender be better taken into account in the transitional justice processes?   
In the recent uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, women were at the forefront of the protests. However, once the struggle was over, women were generally expected to return to their normal roles. Very few were present at the negotiations about new political orders, and it now seems likely that women will make few gains under the new regimes. In the WIDER Working Paper 'Transitional Justice and Aid' Sirkku Hellsten discusses the various dimensions of transitional justice arguing that due to the unique experience of women, both during conflict and in the period of reconciliation, gender issues need to be given special emphasis during the transitional process. Full article   

Aid Volatility Across Sectors   

John Hudson argues that when looking at volatility the devil lies in the (sector level) detail.   
A key pledge of the Paris Deceleration of 2005 was that aid flows would be made more predictable. This is a key goal as aid shortfalls can cause a government to disproportionately cut their investments, while sudden spikes in aid can lead to a dramatic boost in government consumption. The majority of the work done on the issue of aid volatility focuses on the effect these reactions to variation in total levels of aid has had on key macro variables such as growth and government expenditure. In the WIDER Working Paper 'Consequences of Aid Volatility for Macroeconomic Management and Aid Effectiveness' John Hudson gives a more detailed analysis of the issue by focusing on the impact of the aid volatility of different aid sectors, and on the effect such volatility has on specific targets such as healthcare and education. Full article    



Foreign aid and democracy in Africa - an interview with Danielle Resnick   

This month we talk to Danielle Resnick discusses the logic behind and findings of the UNU-WIDER research project 'Foreign aid and democracy in Africa'. In this interview we hear what the sometimes very different and contradictory effects of development aid and democracy assistance are on democratic transitions, and what lies behind these outcomes. We also learn what impact the different aid modalities of development aid and democracy assistance, for example budget support or projects aiming at parliamentary strenghtening, have on democratic consolidation. Go to video   


 Call for Papers: UNU-WIDER Conference - Learning to Compete: Industrial Development and Policy in Africa, Helsinki, Finland 24-25 June 2013   

Online application submission form is open until 31 January 2013.   



Project meeting: Growth and Poverty Project (GAPP). Second authors' meeting. Helsinki, Finland 28 January 2013   

UNU-WIDER Conference on Learning to Compete: Industrial Development and Policy in Africa.   
Helsinki, Finland 24 June 2013    


UNU-WIDER Seminar: Global Crisis and the Impact on Emerging Economies by Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for Development Economics of the World Bank. Held in Helsinki, Finland 26 November 2012   

Lecture: Trade and Gender Inequality. Jyväskylä, Finland   
26 November 2012   

Workshop: Report launch of 'Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a Small and Medium Enterprise Survey in 2011'.   
Hanoi, Vietnam 21 November 2012   

Workshop: Relationship between Development Policy and Research19 November 2012   

Lecture: Food Security and Global Environmental Change, by Aziz Karimov. Jyväskylä, Finland 15 November 2012   

Workshop: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland/UNU-WIDER Workshop on The New Global Development Agenda   
12 November 2012   

Presentation: Does Foreign Aid Help, by Finn Tarp. Copenhagen, Denmark 3 November 2012   

Presentation: Aid, Growth and Development, by Finn Tarp. Copenhagen, Denmark 2 November 2012    


Book:Forthcoming: Achieving Development Success: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World   
Edited by Augustin K. Fosu   

Book: Forthcoming: Pathways to Industrialization in the Twenty-First Century: New Challenges and Emerging Paradigms   
Edited by Adam Szirmai, Wim Naudé, and Ludovico Alcorta   

Book: Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries   
Edited by Augustin K. Fosu   

Journal: Review of Development Economics Special Issue: Climate Change and Economic Development   
Guest Editors: Channing Arndt, Paul Chinowsky, Ken Strzepek, Finn Tarp, and James Thurlow   

Book: The Role of Elites in Economic Development   
Edited by the late Alice H. Amsden, Alisa DiCaprio, and James A. Robinson   

Article:The Political Economy of Green Growth: Cases from Southern Africa    
Danielle Resnick, Finn Tarp, James Thurlow   

WIDER Working Papers 2012    

Aid Distribution and Co-operation in Unequal Communities   
Ben D'Exelle, and Marrit van den Berg WP/111   

Do People in Income Poverty Use Their Income Efficiently?: A subjective well-being approach   
Mariano Rojas WP/110   

Economic Governance: Improving the economic and regulatory environment for supporting private sector activity   
Colin Kirkpatrick WP/108   

Development Aid and Employment   
Rolph van der Hoeven WP/107   

Predicting Violence within Genocides: Meso-level evidence from Rwanda   
Omar Shahabudin McDoom WP/106   

Infrastructure and Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptations for South Africa   
Paul S. Chinowsky; Amy E. Schweikert; Niko L. Strzepek; Kenneth R. Strzepek; and Kyle P. Kwiatkowski WP/105   

It's All About MeE: Using Structured Experiential Learning ('e') to Crawl the Design Space   
Lant Pritchett, Salimah Samji and Jeffrey Hammer WP/104   

International Organizations in Development and Global Inequality: The example of the World Bank's pension policy   
Martin Koch WP/103   

The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in South Africa   
Johann F. Kirsten WP/102   

How Close Does the Apple Fall to the Tree? Some Evidence on Intergenerational Occupational Mobility from India   
Sripad Motiram and Ashish SinghWP/101   

The Political Economy of Food Price Policy: The Case of Zambia   
Antony Chapoto WP/100   

The Role of Training in Fostering Cluster-Based Micro and Small Enterprises Development   
Tetsushi Sonobe and Keijiro Otsuka WP/099   

Stability and Vulnerability of the Latin American Middle Class   
Florencia Torche and Luis F. Lopez-Calv WP/098   

Political Clientelism and Capture: Theory and Evidence from West Bengal, India   
Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee WP/097   

The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Egypt   
Ahmed Farouk Ghoneim WP/096   

The Impact of the 2007–08 Food Price Crisis in a Major Commodity Exporter: Food Prices, Inflation, and Inclusion in Brazil   
Bernardo Mueller and Charles Mueller WP/095   

Is Small Beautiful? Small Enterprise, Aid and Employment in Africa   
John Page and Måns Söderbom WP/094   

Aid and Investment in Statistics for Africa   
Jeffery I. Round WP/093   

Decentralized Service Delivery in Nairobi and Mombasa: Policies, politics and inter-governmental relations   
Winnie V. Mitullah WP/092   

Gender Mainstreaming in Nordic Development Agencies: Seventeen years after the Beijing Conference   
Malokele Nanivazo and Lucy Scott WP/091   

Civil Service Reform: A review   
Sarah Repucci WP/090   

Information on all UNU-WIDER publications is available on our website: http://www.wider.unu.edu/publications/    

WIDERAngle newsletter   
ISSN 1238-9544   





Copyright © 1995-2012 UNU-WIDER All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer | Terms of Use   

UNU-WIDER, Katajanokanlaituri 6 B , FI-00160 Helsinki, Finland    
Switchboard operates Monday-Friday 9:00-16:00 EET   
Tel: +358-(0)9-6159911/ Fax: +358-(0)9-61599333   
Email: wider(at)wider.unu.edu / firstname.lastname(at)wider.unu.edu   
Contact us   
Tony Addison is Chief Economist and Deputy Director of UNU-WIDER,   
and the editor of WIDERAngle Newsletter.   
Email: addison(at)wider.unu.edu   

Unsubscribe or edit your contact information with this link: http://www.wider.unu.edu/widerangle_newsletter/unsubscribe/?n=81600809126004092&m=-40-87127-51669466-38-92-65823963-122-11757

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