[wanabidii] Fw: Nine Christians Killed, Four Churches Burned in Nigeria

Saturday, December 08, 2012

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Subject: Nine Christians Killed, Four Churches Burned in Nigeria

Nine Christians Killed, Four Churches Burned in Nigeria
ASSIST News Service (ANS) - PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609-0609 USA
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Nine Christians Killed, Four Churches Burned in Nigeria
Boko Haram suspected in rampage in predominantly Christian area

By Jeremy Reynalds
Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service
LAGOS, NIGERIA (ANS) -- Nine Christians were killed and four Churches burned in two separate Dec. 1 attacks in northeast Nigeria by gunmen suspected to be members of the Boko Haram Islamist group.
According to a story by Open Doors News Service, the Christians and a Muslim were killed in Kwaple village, Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State. The incident occurred when the Islamic group members went on rampage and burned 20 houses and a Church in the area, while three Churches were burned in Gamboru Ngala.
"I have just received a message from my people at Chibok and Gamboru Ngala that four of our Churches were attacked by the militants this morning and 10 people killed at Kwaple in Chibok LGA," the Borno State Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Titus Pona, said in a text message to the association's president on Dec. 2.
According to Open Doors News, Nuhu Clark, a former Chibok local government area council chairman, said the attackers entered the village at about 9 p.m. Saturday, then torched houses before using guns and machetes to kill their victims.
"Most of the victims were buried today," Clark said on Sunday. "It is unfortunate that such could happen in such a peaceful village."
Open Doors News said according to Pona, the attackers burned The Church of the Brethren, Church of Christ in Nigeria, and Deeper Life Church Gamboru Ngala, and another Church of the Brethren in Chibok.
"It is clearly an attack on Christians by the Boko Haram members in a local government that is predominantly Christian," said a Christian leader in the region. He requested anonymity because churches had agreed that only the Christian Association of Nigeria chairman would speak to the press.
Open Doors News said the leader added, "The government is worried about the implication of this attack and is offering to support the rebuilding of the affected churches."
According to Open Doors News, the State governor met Monday with state and local officials of the Christian association, the local government area council, and community leaders. They determined how to support the affected families.
"The affected families will be compensated, though life cannot be paid for," Open Doros News reported the Christian leader said. "The attack by members of the Islamic group, who are apparently not from the community, was unjustified and we have the assurance of the government that necessary measures will be taken to prevent a reoccurrence."
Open Doors News reported that Sunday Oibe, spokesman for the northern group of the Christian Association of Nigeria, denounced the continued attacks on Christians, which he said were not getting enough attention from the government.
"What people get to hear is just a fraction of the attacks Christians are subjected to," Oibe said.
He added, "It is unfortunate that when the (Christian Association of Nigeria) president comments on the issue, they accuse him of not being sensitive or raising false alarm. We cannot continue to keep quiet in the face of provocative attacks like last Saturday's attack in Borno."
Open Doors News said Borno State is the headquarters of the Boko Haram group that has launched various terrorist attacks in the country, killing hundreds.
Open Doors News exists to raise awareness of Christians worldwide who are persecuted for their faith.
For more information go to www.opendoorsnews.org

Jeremy Reynalds is Senior Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service, a freelance writer and also the founder and CEO of Joy Junction, New Mexico's largest emergency homeless shelter, http://www.joyjunction.org He has a master's degree in communication from the University of New Mexico, and a Ph.D. in intercultural education from Biola University in Los Angeles. His newest book is "Homeless in the City."

Additional details on "Homeless in the City" are available at http://www.homelessinthecity.com. Reynalds lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For more information contact: Jeremy Reynalds at jeremyreynalds@comcast.net.

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